Dafür wurde er 2011 von Islamisten ermordet. LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – The Lahore High Court has released on bail a 20-year-old Christian two years after his conviction under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws for allegedly posting a sacrilegious photograph on social media, his lawyer said.. Many of those accused of blasphemy never reach the courtroom; violence has killed 62 accused people since 1990, with few prosecutions. Aurat Foundation. Keeping up with the abuse of Christian girls in Muslim Pakistan has become exceedingly difficult. In 2018, Nabeel Masih became the youngest blasphemy convict in Pakistan when a court sentenced him to 10 years in prison. Traditionelle Kirchen besitzen relativ große Freiheit, Gottesdienste zu feiern. Asia Bibi from Pakistan, poses during a photo session in Paris, on February 25, 2020. If you or your organization would like to help enable Morning Star News to continue raising awareness of persecuted Christians worldwide with original-content reporting, please consider collaborating at https://morningstarnews.org/donate/? If you would like to help persecuted Christians, visit http://morningstarnews.org/resources/aid-agencies/ for a list of organizations that can orient you on how to get involved. Article Images Copyright © Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. 03/02/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a Pakistani court has granted bail to a Christian convicted of committing blasphemy in 2018. Believers who have converted from Islam face the greatest levels of persecution, but all Christians are considered second-class citizens in this strongly Islamic country. They aimed to kidnap and assault the women in attendance.”. The recommendation also stated that anyone registering a blasphemy case at a police station must bring two witnesses. In Pakistan, 24 Christians are in prison due to blasphemy charges. In Pakistan, false accusations of blasphemy are common and often motivated by personal vendettas or religious hatred. The appeal by Shagufta Kausar and her paralyzed husband, Shafqat Emmanuel, against the death sentence has been delayed on one pretext or the other for the past six years, said their attorney, Saiful Malook. A Senate Special Committee on Human Rights and the Islamabad High Court in 2018 had recommended that those making false blasphemy accusations be given the same punishments as those for blasphemy convictions, but the government dismissed the recommendation. Sorge um zum Tode verurteilte Christen in Pakistan. On Monday (March 1) the Lahore High Court admitted arguments for Masih’s post-conviction bail, a partial legal victory, Anjum said. False accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan are common and often motivated by personal vendettas or religious hatred. Often, Christians are treated as second-class citizens regardless of whether they are poor or middle-class. Kirchengemeind… Lawyers defending those charged with blasphemy, presiding judges and individuals speaking against the law are also targeted. Article originally published by Morning Star News. They say Pakistani authorities must be urged to immediately implement effective procedural and institutional safeguards at the investigative, prosecutorial and judicial levels to prevent abuse of these laws. A Christian husband and wife in Pakistan who are facing execution for sending “blasphemous” texts must be released immediately, Amnesty International has … Ferdie Rous. “At the last hearing on Feb. 24 and earlier on Jan. 19, I was fully prepared to argue our case, but the judges left the courtroom as soon as our turn came. Between 1987 and 2017, 1,534 people in Pakistan were accused of blasphemy, according to ICC, which also says that at least 238 of those accusations were made against Christians. sidney pennysays. While punishment for blasphemy ranges from several years in prison to death in Pakistan, a person making a false accusation faces potential punishment of only six months in prison or a fine of 1,000 rupees (US$6). Its climate ranges from hot and dry to arctic in the northern […] It’s time they are released,” he said. Sie werden jedoch stark überwacht und werden regelmäßig Ziel von gezielten Bombenanschlägen (der letzte große Anschlag geschah am 17. Pakistan ranked fifth on Christian support organization Open Doors 2021 World Watch list of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian. Christian business owners in Pakistan face severe discrimination, according to an entrepreneur speaking … Anjum said the court also ignored the fact that the case was registered two days after the alleged photo appeared. Christen sind in Pakistan Menschen 2. Vermutlich trauten sich die Richter nicht, eine gerechte Entscheidung zugunsten der Christen zu fällen. I also remember the threats from the attackers.”. Christians make up roughly 1.6% of the total population of Pakistan, according to Global Religious Futures by the Pew-Templeton Project. The highly inflammatory accusations have the potential to spark mob lynchings, vigilante murders and mass protests. Ein zum Tode verurteiltes christliches Ehepaar in Pakistan wartet vergeblich auf eine Berufungsverhandlung. The purpose of the Pakistan Adventist Seminary is to train workers to serve the church in Pakistan and beyond, as well as to prepare Christian youth for useful service to society. Sudan and Uzbekistan were removed from the department’s Special Watch List due to improvements in their religious rights records. Im Fall eines zum Tode verurteilten christlichen Ehepaars in Pakistan fürchtet dessen Anwalt eine ausufernde Verschleppung des Berufungsprozesses. Das Christentum in Pakistan ist nach dem Hinduismus die zweitgrößte religiöse Minderheit. A court in eastern Pakistan’s Punjab province has finally ordered the release of a 13-year-old Christian girl who was abducted, forced to marry one of her kidnappers, tortured and chained up in a … "This is a tragic situation; the first case in Pakistan's recent history where a Christian has been accused of blasphemy for refusing to embrace Islam," Pervaiz's attorney, Saif Malook, told Fox News. “Judges here fear violent backlash from extremist forces; that’s why they don’t want to hear blasphemy cases. Pakistan's Christians, like other religious minorities in the country, have been the target of escalating attacks in recent years. The Christian couple's appeal was launched in 2015, but kept facing delays, most recently due to the coronavirus pandemic. Im Jahr 1947, dem Jahr der Unabhängigkeit des Landes, wurde die Situation für die christliche Minderheit komplizierter, da Pakistan offiziell ein muslimischer Staat wurde. Previously Pakistan had been added to the list on Nov. 28, 2018. Frankfurt am Main/Lahore - 15.02.2021. Christian in Pakistan Convicted of 'Blasphemy' Launched on Bail LAHORE, Pakistan, March 2, 2021 (Morning Star News) Christian Freedom International helps in brickyards of Pakistan, assisting our brothers and sisters in Christ who are “the least of these” in one of the most persecuted nations on earth. Pakistan’s Youngest Blasphemy Convict Granted Freedom After Four Years in Prison. Outrage and condemnation are running high in Pakistan’s Christian communities following the brutal murder of a 22-year old young Christian in Kasur district, in Punjab Province. “The judges keep delaying the case due to fear, but it’s enough now – it should be heard,” Malook said. A Christian nurse working at a maternity hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, was beaten by a mob of her fellow staff members on January 28, accusing her of blasphemy. February 24, 2021 at 9:07 am. “I still have shivers. But this fear needs to end, because the lives of several innocent accused are at stake due to the rampant misuse of the blasphemy laws.”. Malook, who represented and won freedom for Pakistan’s most high-profile blasphemy convict, Christian mother Aasiya Noreen (better known as Asia Bibi), said there were several similarities between the couple’s case and hers. Dezember 2017 in Quetta). Keeping up with the abuse of Christian girls by Muslims in Pakistan has become exceedingly difficult. (The Voice Society) LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – The Lahore High Court has released on bail a 20-year-old Christian two years after his conviction under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws for allegedly posting a sacrilegious photograph on social media, his lawyer said.… “The judges are clearly avoiding taking up the appeal,” Malook told Morning Star News. At the same time, the high court has delayed the hearing of an appeal filed by a Christian couple on death row on blasphemy charges since 2014. Log in, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, Christians Falsely Charged in Central India, Sources Say, Two Christians Sentenced to Prison and Heavy Fine in Algeria, Pastor Threatened with Execution in Nigeria Reportedly Freed, Police in India Allow Attack on Churches, then Arrest Christians, Christian in Pakistan Convicted of ‘Blasphemy’ Released on Bail. Sie bewirken, dass Fälle neu verhandelt, Gefangene freigelassen, Haftbedingungen verbessert und Schikanen beendet werden. Asif Pervaiz, a garment factory worker, was convicted and sentenced Tuesday in Lahore after being accused of blaspheming Muhammad in a text message he sent to a Muslim co-worker, according to Reuters. In 2018 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. “I fear for my clients’ lives.”. “On Christmas Morning in Lahore, Pakistan, a group of 50-60 Muslim men attacked a Christian church during their Christmas service. His attorney, Naseeb Anjum, said the trial court in Kasur District had convicted the youth even though there were no witnesses against him. Römisch-katholische Sankt-Patricks-Kathedrale in Karatschi. Christians in Pakistan face extreme persecution in every area of their lives. We regularly hold “micro classes” for the children, and distribute care packs to Christian … Pakistan Adventist Seminary is a Christian co-educational institution of higher learning located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. “The delay in registration of the case showed that Masih was accused only after deliberation and consultation,” Anjum said, adding that police had removed the image from Facebook soon after registering the First Information Report, complicating procedures to determine guilt or innocence. The other countries on the list are Burma, China, North Korea, Eritrea, Iran, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Should You Avoid the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine? With Christians only making up 1.6% of Pakistan’s total population, the 238 accusations (15.5%) made against Christians is highly disproportionate. PMS also launched the first-ever business competition for Christian entrepreneurs in Pakistan. “Getting justice in Pakistan is a very expensive and lengthy process and the poor cannot afford it, while it is much harder when the perpetrator is Muslim and the victim is Christian because religion does play its role in all walks of life in Pakistan,” he said on Jan. 11. The two Christians are being accused of making derogatory remarks against Islam, the Quran, and offending the religious … LAHORE, Pakistan, March 2, 2021 (Morning Star News) – The Lahore High Court has released on bail a 20-year-old Christian two years after his conviction under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws for allegedly posting a sacrilegious photograph on social media, his lawyer said. British Doctors Order 'Do No Resuscitate' Those with Mental Disabilities, America's Largest Christian Adoption Agency Will Now Work with LGBTQ Parents: The Peril of Separating Values from Actions, Our Work Is Our Worship: One Woman's Faithfulness in the Little Things, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Successive governments have acknowledged that the blasphemy laws are blatantly misused, but little effort has been made to stop the abuses. Copyright © 2021, ChristianHeadlines.com. Sein Bruder Shahbaz Bhatti setzte sich für die Freiheit von Christen in Pakistan ein. I protested against the repeated adjournments but in vain.”. ICC’s Regional Manager, William Stark, said, “We here at International Christian Concern condemn the false blasphemy allegation that has been leveled against Tabitha Nazir Gill. They are defendants in 21 blasphemy cases at various levels of the judicial process. Pakistani court orders release of 13-y-o Christian girl tortured by Muslim kidnapper. Aurat Foundationis in the fifth position in our Top 15 Charity Organizations in Pakistan. Rights activists say it’s unlikely that any government will move to repeal or amend the blasphemy laws due to fierce Islamic religious sentiments in the Muslim-majority country. 02/15/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that two Christian evangelists are being charged with violating Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy law and could face a mandatory death sentence if found guilty. The U.S. State Department on Dec. 7 re-designated Pakistan among nine other “Countries of Particular Concern” for severe violations of religious freedom. “Both are in isolated cells, separated from other prisoners, as it is feared that if they mix with other prisoners, they may get killed. Under bail terms, Masih’s sentence is suspended and he remains free until there is a ruling on his appeal. A Christian man was sentenced to death in Pakistan for insulting the Prophet Muhammad, numerous sources reported. Dem Ehemann Shafqat Emmanuel geht es laut seinem Anwalt gesundheitlich sehr schlecht. There are 24 Christians imprisoned on blasphemy charges in Pakistan, according to rights activists. With no presumption of innocence in Pakistan, anyone accused of blasphemy can be jailed, often for years, while those who make false allegations go unpunished. They are given jobs perceived as low, dirty and dishonorable, and can be victims of bonded labor. Partner with Local Missionaries in Pakistan Donate Partner with Local Missionaries in Pakistan Donate Population: 219.9 million Evangelical population: 0.7% People groups: 512 Unreached people groups: 504 Pakistan Nearly twice the size of California, Pakistan is located between India, Afghanistan, China, and Iran. Justice Syed Shahbaz Ali Rizvi and Justice Anwaarul Haq Pannu, the two-judge bench of the Lahore High Court, have not given a date for the next hearing, he said. Hardly does one story of abduction, enslavement, rape, forced conversion, torture and/or murder appear before another follows it—and another, and another. The top three ideas, pitched in a two-minute video, can … Nabeel Masih had been incarcerated since his arrest in 2016. Unlike the young Christian in Pakistan jailed for blasphemy, however, Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Emmanuel have been on death row since their conviction in April 2014 in Toba Tek Singh. Incarcerated since his arrest in 2016, Nabeel Masih became the youngest person to be charged with blasphemy in Pakistan at age 16 when … Used with permission. If the Lahore High Court upholds the trial court’s verdict, he’ll be sent back to prison to complete his sentence. ChristianHeadlines.com is a member of the Salem Web Network. “But I still remember today that a large crowd broke into hour house, accompanied by police,” Masih told CSI’s partner. Der Islam ist in Pakistan Staatsreligion, und seit dem Putsch Zia-ul-Haqs 1977 herrschen strenge islamistische Gesetze, welche oft gegen Christen … Christians only make up 1.6% of Pakistan’s total population. Accusing him of polluting the pool water, his killers tortured him brutally causing multiple fractures and … Sorge um zum Tode verurteilte Christen in Pakistan. Pakistani court grants bail to Christian man in blasphemy case. Accusations are highly inflammatory and have the potential to spark mob lynchings, vigilante murders and mass protests. Saleem Masih was attacked whilst taking a bath in a tube-well pool belonging to an influential local Muslim landlord. Authorities are keeping the couple in two separate prisons in different districts of Punjab, he said. They are defendants in 21 blasphemy cases at various levels of the judicial process. He added that there is no substantive proof against the couple, who are accused of sending blasphemous text messages to a Muslim cleric from a SIM card registered in Kausar’s name. Christentum in Pakistan. Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Oleksii Liskonih. “Asia Bibi’s case was kept pending for nearly a decade, and she would have still been in prison to date had there been no pressure on the Pakistani government from the West,” he said. Dec 30, 2020 at 5:19 pm. The lawyer appealed to Western governments to take notice of the couple’s case and exert pressure on the Pakistani government to expedite hearing of the appeal. In Pakistan, 24 Christians are in prison due to blasphemy charges. Retailers Will Be Fined $1,000 for Having Separate Boys, Girls Sections under New California Bill, 'God's Will Is No Concern of This Congress,' NY Rep. Jerry Nadler Says during Equality Act Debate, 'We're Going to Start Acting Now' On Reparations, Senior Biden Adviser Says, Bethany Christian Changes LGBT Policy, Will Place Children in Same-Sex Homes, Franklin Graham Denounces the Equality Act, Calls It a 'Very Dangerous Bill', Persecution and Failed States Go Hand in Hand. “I will continue this legal fight for his acquittal,” he added. Klasse, die tagtäglich Diskriminierung, Verfolgung und Anfeindungen ausgesetzt sind. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Incarcerated since his arrest in 2016, Nabeel Masih became the youngest person to be charged with blasphemy in Pakistan at age 16 when a Muslim friend accused him of “sharing” and “liking” on Facebook an allegedly blasphemous photo of the Kaaba, Islam’s holiest site in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. All rights reserved. In an interview with aid and advocacy group Christian Solidarity International’s Pakistan partner last year, Masih said he prayed constantly for his release, and that he didn’t know his accusers well. Petitionen sind wirksame Instrumente Neben Gebet und Spenden sind Briefe, Petitionen und Unterschriftenlisten die wirksamsten Instrumente im Einsatz für das Recht auf Religionsfreiheit. With no presumption of innocence in Pakistan, anyone accused of blasphemy can be jailed, often for years, while those who make false allegations go unpunished. I can’t forget how my dad and siblings cried begging them not to take me.
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