Piñera later regretted the situation and mentioned that he was "misinterpreted". On Monday, 14 October, several stations on Line 5 were closed in the afternoon after violent incidents were reported. Many touted signs and rainbow colored homemade banners calling for a "yes" vote next Sunday in a referendum over whether to scrap the country's dictatorship-era Constitution, a key demand of the 2019 protests. The entire attack was recorded by a security camera. Monday 19 October 2020 … As football fans left a stadium in Santiago after a match, a Carabinero vehicle struck and killed Jorge Mora. [42] The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) states, that 1% of the population in Chile controls 26.5% of the country's wealth, while 50% of low-income households access 2.1%. [40] In relative terms, the average monthly cost per person for the city's public transport is equivalent to 13.8% of the minimum wage, well above other cities such as Buenos Aires, Mexico City or Lima, where it does not exceed 10%. Dave Sherwood. The unrest saw the military take to the streets for the first time since the rule of dictator Augusto Pinochet. Here's What to Know", "Chile: protesters light bonfires and clash with police despite cabinet reshuffle", "Chile protests: Concerns grow over human rights abuses", "Chile celebrates decision to rewrite constitution", "Jubilation as Chile votes to rewrite constitution", "Así opera el panel de expertos que sube las tarifas del transporte público", "Subir al Metro en horario punta costará ahora 830 pesos", "Ex ministra de Transportes: Alza de pasajes es consecuencia directa de las decisiones del Gobierno", "Tarifa del Transantiago suma aumento de $200 desde su inicio en 2007", "Protestas en Chile: 4 claves para entender la furia y el estallido social en el país sudamericano", "Evasión masiva de alumnos del Instituto Nacional en el Metro termina con denuncia en Fiscalía y medidas de contención", "Metro cierra varias estaciones de la Línea 5 por manifestaciones", "Las evasiones masivas no paran: estación Santa Ana registra graves disturbios", "Metro cierra estaciones por nuevas evasiones masivas", "Chile protests: State of emergency declared in Santiago", "Incendio descomunal afecta edificio de ENEL en centro de Santiago: evacuaron a 40 trabajadores", "BRUTAL: Mientras todo Chile protestaba y su Gobierno se caía a pedazos pillaron a Piñera comiendo en una pizzería de Vitacura", "Santiago on fire and with no transport and Piñera in a family party at a pizza parlor", "Three dead in Chile supermarket fire amid riots", "Chile extends state of emergency as protest death toll hits seven", "Chile: protests rage as president extends state of emergency", "Presidente Piñera anuncia suspensión del alza de pasajes en el transporte público y convoca a una mesa de diálogo para escuchar las demandas de la ciudadanía", "¿Se puede ir al supermercado? 2010 saßen in Chile 33 Kumpel mehr als zwei Monate in einem verschütteten Stollen fest. [55] [129], In New Zealand's largest city Auckland, hundreds of protesters staged a solidarity march on 27 October 2019. ¿tomar un vuelo? On October 25, 2019, over 1,2 million people took to the streets of Santiago to protest against social unequality, demanding President Piñera's resignation. In the past few days, small-scale demonstrations and isolated incidents of violence have nonetheless resurfaced in Chile, as the capital's 6 million citizens emerge from months of confinement following the Covid-19 pandemic. A curfew was declared on 19 October in the Greater Santiago area.[20][21]. Seitdem p… [51][52] A second vote is scheduled for April 11, 2021, to select 155 Chileans who will form the convention which will draft the new constitution. [28][29][30][32] Amnesty International's investigations "allege that state security forces, including both the police and army, deliberately use excessive force against protesters. Fire truck sirens, burning barricades on roadways and fireworks on downtown streets added to a sense of chaos in some neighborhoods. Damit sind seit Beginn des Aufstandes gegen die Regierung von Präsident Sebastian Piñera und die Auswirkungen der Jahrzehnte andauernden neoliberalen Politik bereits 30 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Detained members of the international press were later released without charge. Of these, 123 attacks were by Carabineros. [73][74] As of February 2020, an estimated 36 people had died. [50], A major event that galvanized the day's movement was related to Sebastián Piñera himself. Proteste in Chile: Zwei historische Kirchen niedergebrannt. Rioting and looting resulted in billions of dollars in damage and losses to the country's businesses and infrastructure. Chile erlebt die größten Demonstrationen seit dem Ende der Diktatur. The Pedro Valdivia University was set ablaze. Biden/Harris celebrations. [citation needed] The referendum was rescheduled from April to October 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile. [83] One of the 5 suspects is a Chilean Navy Corporeal,[84] which may have been an infiltrator from the Armed Forces, this was denied by the government and the Chilean Navy. ¿ir al cine? [citation needed] On October 25, 2020, Chileans voted 78.28 per cent in favor of a new constitution, while 21.72 per cent rejected the change. Voter turnout was 51 per cent. He called on Chileans to settle their differences by voting in the upcoming October 25 constitutional referendum. Stand: 03.03.2020 20:10 Uhr. Available online: Grupo de Operaciones Policiales Especiales, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Eye injury in the 2019–2020 Chilean protests, "[Video] Secundarios protestaron contra el alza del Metro con masiva evasión", "Chile's president declares state of emergency after riots over metro fare hike", "Chile's capital in state of emergency amid unrest", "Se filtró un audio de la primera dama de Chile: "Es como una invasión extranjera, alienígena, "¡Cambio radical! [53] In an address to the nation in the evening, President Piñera announced the cancellation of the fare increase and the establishment of a dialogue panel, with representatives from across society, to discuss the underlying causes behind the unrest. "[116] Amnesty International went on to state that "[the military and police] are using unnecessary and excessive force with the intention of injuring and punishing protesters. The body of a man thought to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning was recovered from a supermarket which had been looted and burnt. [63] Hours shortly after the President's speech, chief of national defense Javier Iturriaga del Campo spoke against this declaration, asserting that he was "content" and "not at war with anyone". [10] Amnesty International has received hundreds of complaints about serious human rights violations that range from excessive use of force to torture, illegal raids and arbitrary detention. Officer detained for allegedly throwing boy off bridge at a protest in Chile. [24][25] As of 28 December, 2019, 29 people have died,[26] nearly 2,500 have been injured and 2,840 have been arrested. Hundreds of … A man was killed after being shot in the head by a tenant who feared looting. Meldung vom 13.10.2020 09:27:45. The situation sparked new protests on Saturday, October 3 near Plaza Italia, being the first time since the start of a national lockdown that the square is taken by protesters. [28] Similar allegations have been received by Chile's National Institute for Human Rights, which also included reports of sexual violence. Later, masked individuals firebombed a police headquarters and church. [59], Local authorities also announced the closure of schools on 21 October (and some also on 22 October) in 43 of the 52 communes of the Metropolitan Region and across the province of Concepción. In der Landeshauptstadt Santiago kam es am Wochenende wieder zu gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen, bei denen auch zwei Kirchen beschädigt wurden. ", "Chile extends curfew again as violent unrest paralyzes one of Latin America's biggest cities", "Explainer: Chile's inequality challenge: What went wrong and can it be fixed? The Violeta Parra Museum was arson attacked. November 2020… [75][76] Despite the lockdown, some protests appeared during International Workers' Day in Santiago that resulted in the arrest of 57 people by Carabineros. Most demonstrators on Sunday wore masks, but many could be seen in tight groups, raising concerns about a potential health risk. [49] The headquarters building of electricity company Enel Generación Chile was damaged in a fire which affected its emergency exit stairwell. People gathered early in the day in demonstrations downtown and in cities throughout Chile that gained size and fervor through the evening. President Piñera extended the state of emergency in the north and south of the country and said "we are at war against a powerful enemy that doesn't respect anything or anyone". In Chile sind zwei Jugendliche von Beamten angeschossen worden. Barricades were built, to which the police responded with water cannon and tear gas. [113][114][115], Human rights organisations have received several reports of violations conducted against protesters, including torture, sexual abuse and rape. Mon 3 Feb 2020 09.00 EST. Tue 5 May 2020 06.13 EDT For six months, Chile was shaken by a wave of protests in which millions took to the streets to protest against inequality. Access date: 13 November 2019. [25][27] Human rights organisations have received several reports of violations conducted against protesters by security forces, including eye mutilation, torture, sexual abuse and sexual assault. Presse Noten: FC Schalke 04 Werder Bremen 0:1 Bundesliga. [28][29][30] On October 28, 2019, President Piñera changed eight ministries of his cabinet in response to the unrest, dismissing his Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick. Als am 18. [44] https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/19/americas/chile-anniversary-protests-intl Sebastián Piñera retrocede ante protestas y anuncia paquete de medidas sociales", "Celebrations in Chile as voters back rewriting constitution", "Las autoridades chilenas estiman que 3,7 millones de personas participaron en alguna de las protestas", "Más de 3,7 millones de personas han asistido a manifestaciones durante la crisis, según Carabineros", "Chile's Struggle to Democratize the State", "La cronología del estallido social de Chile | DW | 25.11.2019", "Reporteros – Estallido social en Chile, de la rebelión a la revolución por una mejora social", "Chile protests: Cost of living protests take deadly toll", "Chile protests: What prompted the unrest? [25][27], On 27 October, President Piñera requested all of his cabinet ministers to resign;[69] however, he accepted 8 resignations, including the Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick. [18][19] On the same day, President of Chile Sebastián Piñera announced a state of emergency, authorizing the deployment of Chilean Army forces across the main regions to enforce order and prevent the destruction of public property, and invoked before the courts the Ley de Seguridad del Estado ("State Security Law") against dozens of detainees. [24][25], As of 26 October 19 people have died, nearly 2,500 have been injured, and 2,840 have been arrested. Following the last protest march of the year, a demonstrator called Mauricio Fredes died after falling into a construction hole, whilst being pursued by police. [10] The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) denounced the violence of the police and announced that between 18 October and 6 December 2019, 28,000 people had been imprisoned. The demonstrations, while largely peaceful early on, were marred by increasing incidents of violence, looting of supermarkets and clashes with police across the capital later in the day. [78], On September 11, 2020, the 47th anniversary of the Pinochet coup, protestors clashed with Santiago police at the central Plaza Italia that resulted in over one hundred arrests. In Chile ist es erneut zu Zusammenstößen zwischen regierungskritischen Demonstranten und … [45] Kleinere Proteste begannen bereits am 7. SANTIAGO, Chile — The southern hemisphere summer has come to a close, and Chileans say they fear — or welcome — the prospect that the turn … 15.09.2020 Chile / Menschenrechte / Politik. In response, the Metro authority began controlling access to several stations. Der Polizeichef räumt sein Amt, sein Nachfolger soll eine angekündigte Polizeireform umsetzen. Proteste 2020: Was Menschen weltweit erreicht haben Suche öffnen ... Proteste gegen Regierungen. [48] At that time, 133 arrests had been made and damage to Metro infrastructure was estimated at up to 500 million pesos (US$700,000). T he rhythm is infectious, the crowd of women exuberant as they pump their … [72], At the end of January 2020, the social unrest (which had reduced somewhat during the Chilean summer holidays) resumed again with large demonstrations. 7 / 36. orf.at; vor 103 Tagen; Proteste gegen Regierung in Chile. [81] The officer is under arrest and charged with attempted murder by the National Public Prossecutor. Der Betrieb der Metro de Santiago musste flächendeckend eingestellt werden. The Roman Catholic church Veronica de Lastarria near the main site of the demonstration at Baquedano Square (commonly referred to as Italia Square) has been looted and a statue of Jesus and furniture from the interior of the church were taken out on the street and burned down. The Violeta Parra Museum was again arson attacked, with eyewitnesses recording that Carabineros shot at least 6 tear gas canisters into the building. ", "Chile protests: More than one million bring Santiago to a halt", "BNamericas – Metro de Santiago: 80 estaciones dañadas o d...", "Usuarios reportan nuevo incendio en la Estación de Metro Plaza de Maipú", "General Iturriaga decreta toque de queda en Santiago para afrontar graves disturbios", "Decretan inédito toque de queda en Santiago tras fracaso del gobierno en contener ola de protestas", "Protestas y destrucción se registran en San Antonio y Valparaíso tras caos en el Gran Santiago", "Bloomberg: "Santiago despierta en la devastación, "Al menos un millón de personas protestan en Santiago contra Piñera y la desigualdad social", "Death toll rises to 29 in Chile protests, "At least 18 dead and thousands arrested in Chile protests", "Chile: Amnesty International announces research mission to document grave human rights violations", "Chile protests: Social reform pledges fail to quell unrest", "18 Killed as Hundreds of Thousands of Protestors Take to the Streets in Chile. Die vehementen Proteste könnten den sozialen Wandel in 2019 in Santiago de Chile stattfand, wie bereits 2017 vom Auswärtigen Amt onen 2019 2020 arbeitet die Bundesregierung im Einklang mit den Zielen der. Chile: Protesters burn university, loot church. [43], Protesters interviewed by Reuters said they were struggling to make ends meet because of the high costs of part-privatized education and health systems, rents and utilities, and a privatized pension system has been widely rejected by Chileans because of its low and often delayed payouts. [67] Michelle Bachelet, a former President of Chile now serving as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, issued a call for open, sincere and immediate dialogue and warned that "the use of inflammatory rhetoric will only serve to further aggravate the situation". [33][34], The price of public transport in Greater Santiago is determined by the Panel of Public Transport Experts (Spanish: Panel de Expertos del Transporte Público), which uses an automatic calculation formula to adjust fares on a monthly basis. In Chile sind bei neuen gewaltsamen Proteste zwei Menschen getötet worden. Police used water cannon to disperse protesters in Santiago on Sunday. Huge demonstrations kept roiling politics in places as diverse as Chile, Hong Kong, and Lebanon, and new, shorter protests—like those over the downing of an airliner in Iran —erupted regularly. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. [13][14][15][16][17], The protests began in Chile's capital, Santiago, as a coordinated fare evasion campaign by secondary school students which led to spontaneous takeovers of the city's main train stations and open confrontations with the Carabineros de Chile (the national police force). Shops were looted, buses were set alight and clashes occurred between demonstrators and the security forces. If your travel plans to Chile during December, January or February 2020 are for pleasure, I would move away from the central area and avoid spending time in Santiago and Valparaíso where are the majority of protests daily with the inconvenience of being immersed in tear gas or water thrown by the police to solve the manifestations. [111] According to the Chilean Ophthalmology Society, this is the highest number of injuries of this type registered during protests or in conflict zones in the world. A driver rammed his car into protesters killing two people, including a 4 year old toddler, and wounding 17; this event increased the death toll to 17. SANTIAGO, Chile — In October, a rise in Santiago’s metro fares set off the biggest protests in Chile since the end of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. Protesters threw rocks at police, … Last modified on Tue 4 Feb 2020 05.32 EST . Confrontations continued and expanded over the following days, with turnstiles and ticket machines being destroyed at San Joaquín station on 17 October and four stations closed in the evening. Damit wurde erstmals seit der Diktatur von Augusto Pinochet in der Hauptstadt Chilesein Ausnahmezustand wegen politischer Unruhen verhängt. [85] Two Catholic churches in Santiago were burned as well. Am Jahrestag des Militärputsches wurde in Chile bei verschiedenen Protesten auch den Verschwundenen gedacht. 81 stations have sustained major damage, including 17 burned down. Interior Minister Victor Perez spoke late in the evening, praising the early, peaceful rallies while blasting the late-night mayhem. 40,000 Police To Be Deployed Against Oct. 18 Protest in Chile Military policeman points his gun at a citizen who is banging a saucepan as a form of protest, Santiago, Chile, Oct. 13, 2020. A year after the start of the social outbreak, a series of demonstrations took place in which some 25,000 people gathered in various cities of the country. Auslöser war die Erhöhung von U-Bahn-Tickets. [112] Bandaged eyes had become so common that they become a symbol for protesters. Erneut Ausschreitungen in Chile. Opposition politicians called for the resignation of General Director Mario Rozas and announce an impeachment to the Ministry of Interior Víctor Pérez. On 15 October, a major clash between students and police occurred at Santa Ana station and four arrests were made;[46] in the afternoon, a group of protesters kicked down a metal gate at Plaza de Armas station in downtown Santiago, and [54] A curfew was imposed between 22:00 and 07:00 hours. [citation needed] The pandemic interrupted the protests, with social distancing measures and eventual government-imposed lockdowns in place. [16], The protests began on Monday, 7 October, as secondary-school students began an orchestrated campaign of fare dodging on the Santiago Metro. A man who had been shot in the head at a protest outside a police station in Santiago died of his wounds in hospital. [22] The state of emergency was extended to the Concepción Province, all Valparaíso Region (except Easter Island and Juan Fernández Archipelago) and the cities of Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Iquique, La Serena, Rancagua, Valdivia, Osorno, and Puerto Montt. 2019. [71] During the protests, a Roman Catholic church in Santiago was looted and its religious iconography was burned in the street. At a protest following the death of Jorge Mora, a group of Carabineros beat up a young man called Matías Soto. Civil protests took place throughout Chile in response to a raise in the Santiago Metro's subway fare, the increased cost of living, privatisation and inequality prevalent in the country. In der Hauptstadt [...] Den ganzen Artikel lesen: Proteste gegen Regierung in Chile...→ 2020-11-19. Sixteen police officers and two civilians were injured. The Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications is advised by the panel and must be notified of any price changes. In his remarks, he said the country was "at war with a powerful and implacable enemy" and announced that the state of emergency, already in effect in the Metropolitan Region and the regions of Valparaíso, Biobío, Coquimbo and O’Higgins, would be extended to the regions of Antofagasta, Maule, Los Ríos, and Magallanes. Police estimated that Sunday's rally in Santiago attracted around 25,000 people by 6 p.m., far smaller than the largest protests of 2019. 2020-11-29. "[118] Human Rights Watch stated that "indiscriminate and improper use of riot guns and shotguns, abuse of detainees in custody, and poor internal accountability systems gave rise to serious violations of the rights of many Chileans". stations on Lines 1, 3 and 5 were closed to passengers as security was stepped up. [68], On 25 October, over a million people took to the streets in Santiago, and thousands more throughout Chile, to protest against President Piñera, demanding his resignation. At approximately 21:00 hours on 18 October, while riots and open battles swept the capital, the President was away from La Moneda Palace, busy attending the birthday of one of his grandchildren. In the following days, protests and riots expanded to other Chilean cities, including Concepción, San Antonio and Valparaíso. [49][53], The violence continued on 19 October and the Metro remained closed to passengers. The 2019–2020 Chilean protests, known in Chile as El Estallido Social (The Social Outbreak), are a series of massive demonstrations and severe riots originated in Santiago and spread to all regions of Chile, with a greater impact in the main cities, such as Greater Valparaíso, Greater Concepción, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, La Serena, Rancagua, Chillán, Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt and Punta Arenas, developed mainly between October 2019 and March 2020. Oktober die Ausschreitungen massiv zunahmen und Metro-Stationen sowie Busse in Brand gesetzt wurden, verhängte der chilenische Staatspräsident Sebastián Piñera den Ausnahmezustand für die Hauptstadt. Updated 6:11 PM ET, Mon October 5, 2020 A 16-year-old boy is treated by rescue personnel in the Mapocho river after the incident. [89], During the protests 36 people have died as of February 2020, and thousands have been injured and arrested. "Those who carry out these acts of violence do not want Chileans to solve our problems through democratic means," Perez told reporters, vowing to punish those who crossed the line Sunday. Poparcie dla protestów w Chile", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2019–2020_Chilean_protests&oldid=1010344600, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles to be expanded from December 2019, Articles needing translation from Spanish Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. On 3 April, President Sebastián Piñera visited an empty Plaza Italia and took some pictures in it, which was considered by many as a way of taunting the protesters under quarantine. [31][32], According to Bloomberg, the protests are the worst civil unrest having occurred in Chile since the end of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship due to of the scale of damage to public infrastructure, the number of protesters, and the measures taken by the government. Also, they announce they will reject the annual budget for Carabineros unless changes are implemented. It was a year unlike any other, and it was also an election year. amerika21. [14] As described by The Washington Post, while the last three decades of neoliberal policies made Chile "one of South America’s wealthiest countries, with inflation under control and easy access to credit", they also "created stark economic disparities and strapped many Chileans into debt". Chile: Jahrestag der Proteste – auch Kirchen in Flammen. März 2020, 8:18 Uhr Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, AFP, khe 39 Kommentare Artikel hören ... Weltweite Proteste am Frauentag. Taking advantage of the situation, government agencies erased most of the graffiti and street art in downtown Santiago that was drawn during the protests. Hunderte radikale Regierungsgegner griffen die Polizei mit Wurfgeschossen an. [60][61], President Piñera again addressed the nation on the evening of 20 October. [10] The INDH also recorded 697 attacks on lone civilians by state actors between the start of the protests in October and 31 January. Additionally, according to National Statistics Institute of Chile, while the minimum wage in Chile is 301,000 pesos, half of the workers in that country receive a salary equal to or less than 400,000 pesos. [82], On October 18, 2020, a year after the protests of October 18, 2019, individuals set a fire on the Parroquia de La Asunción in Santiago, resulting in the bell tower collapsing from the fire. As Nov. 3 … Initial reports suggested this was due to the indiscriminate firing of tear gas canisters by Carabineros into the building. [23][70], On November 8, approximately 75,000 people took to the streets of Santiago to take part in anti-government protests.
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