Post Jul 17, 2019 #207 2019-07-17T01:01 ^ I think it’s the DISCOUNT we’re getting if we buy both Pandur and ASCOD 2. ASCOD MMBT 120 (prototype), the Protected landscape area of Brdy, the Mud 2018, June 2018. 2805662 233 Posted July 20, 2018. The ASCOD is not only one of the most modern Western Infantry Fighting Vehicles, it has already demonstrated its reliability and performance in military NATO missions. The modular design means the platform can be tailored to a customer’s specific needs and requirements. Around 300 British engineers at … The 120mm smoothbore gun fires standard NATO ammunition and is coupled to a computerised fire control system giving the commander and gunner stabilised day/thermal sights incorporating a laser rangefinder. 1,978 65 4. Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. 30 mm Mauser MK 30/2 (ASCOD Ulan / Pizarro) 105 mm Elbit Systems Land 105mm / 52 kalibre pistol (Sabrah ASCOD 2 MBT PH : Sekundær bevæbning . Member. ASCOD Medium Main Battle Tank (MMBT): With a GVW of 42 tons, it is fitted with a modern 120mm manned turret system, armed with a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun. The modular design architecture offers adaptability and scalability and is remarkably cost-efficient for maintenance. ASCOD MMBT 120 - vozidlo palebné podpory vybavené věžovým kompletem HITFACT (prototyp, fotografie níže) Zdroj: ... ASCOD IFV 30 (prototyp), Chráněná krajinná oblast Brdy, Bahna 2018, červen 2018. M113A1 FSV: 14. The 120mm smoothbore gun fires standard NATO ammunition and is coupled to a computerised fire control system giving the commander and gunner stabilised day/thermal sights incorporating a laser rangefinder. Veículo blindado de combate (ASCOD Ulan / Pizarro) Tanque de batalha principal (Sabrah ASCOD 2 MBT PH) Lugar de origem : Áustria e Espanha : Histórico de serviço ; Em serviço : 2002 – presente : Especificações ; Massa : 26,3 toneladas (26,300 kg) (ASCOD Pizarro) 28 toneladas (31 toneladas curtas) (ASCOD Ulan) 44,5 toneladas (44,500 kg) (Sabrah ASCOD 2 MBT PH) comprimento : 6,83 m (22 An infantry fighting vehicle version can be armed with a turret-mounted 25-, 30-, or even 40 mm cannon. Ada dua tipe yang dipamerkan dalam ajang Eurosatory 2018 tersebut, diantaranya varian ASCOD versi Infantry Fighting Vehicle atau IFV, serta varian ASCOD Medium Main Battle Tank atau sering disingkat MMBT. Aktuální informace naleznete také na. The GDELS ASCOD MMBT, armed with the Leonardo HITFACT turret sporting a 120 mm smoothbore main gun, made its debut at Eurosatory 2018. It should also be noted the ASCOD 2 is even offered burdened by 155mm ordnance, which speaks to its suitability as a platform for heavy firepower. I spansk tjänst kallas fordonet "Pizarro", medan den österrikiska versionen heter "Ulan". Engine is located at the front. The ASCOD 2 is powered by a German MTU V8 199 T21 turbocharged diesel engine, developing 805 hp. ASCOD MMBT: With a GVW of 42t, it is fitted with Leonardo's modern 120mm manned turret system, armed with a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. The Puma is a German infantry fighting vehicle (Schützenpanzer or short SPz) designed to replace the aging Marder IFVs currently in service with the German Army. GDELS ยุโรปเปิดตัวรถถัง ASCOD MMBT ASCOD IFV และยานเกราะล้อยาง PANDUR 6x6 EVO Eurosatory 2018: GDELS unveils four new armoured vehicles . Stanislav Drábek . GDELS presented new variants of the ASCOD family of tracked vehicles, including ASCOD Medium Main Battle Tank (MMBT) and ASCOD Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) at Eurosatory 2018. As for the ASCOD 2, ... producing arguably the best IFV in the world. ASCOD Medium Main Battle Tank (MMBT): With a GVW of 42 tons, it is fitted with a modern 120mm manned turret system, armed with a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun. FMC M113 FSV United States Israel: Fire support vehicle: M113A2+ FSV. The two man turret (Commander on left & Gunner on the right) is located in the middle of the hull. ASCOD IFV 30. The Puma is one of the world's best-protected IFVs, while still having a high power-to-weight ratio. ASCOD 2 MMBT Medium Tank and Pandur II 8x8 would be a great choice for the Philippine Army, and I wish PA would retain the 120mm gun on the ASCOD which will familiarize our boys to the real MBT guns just in case PA is planning to acquire MBTs in the near future. it has been claimed to feature protection against 30 mm APFSDS from 1,000 m distance instead of the … Beru na vědomí tyto zásady zpracování osobních údajů (GDPR) Probíhá zpracování... Chci se odhlásit z odběru novinek. The ASCOD (Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development) armoured fighting vehicle family is the product of a cooperation agreement between Austrian Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG (in 1998 the production of heavy armed vehicles was sold out under the name Steyr-Daimler-Puch Spezialfahrzeug, which is now the producer) and Spanish General Dynamics Santa Bárbara Sistemas (both companies are now divisions … Aerial Warfare (2,426) Cyber Warfare (34) Ground Warfare (1,950) … According to this spokesman at Eurosatory the ASCOD 'IFV' has a GVW of 35 tons with a 530 kW engine while the ASCOD 'MMBT' has a GVW of 45 tons with a 800 kW engine. The ASCOD (Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development) armoured fighting vehicle family is the product of a cooperation agreement between Austrian Steyr-D ASCOD-familjen inkluderar LT 105, en lätt tank utrustad med en 105 mm- pistol , en SAM- raket, en anti-tank missil launcher, mortel carrier, R & R-fordon, Command & Control-fordon, ambulans , artilleriobservatör och AIFV-modellen. 6,83 m (22 jalkaa) (Pizarro / Ulan) 9,5 m (31,16 jalkaa) (ASCOD MMBT) Leveys : 3,64 m (12 jalkaa) Korkeus : 2,43 m (8 jalkaa) Miehistö : 3 + 8 matkustajaa : Panssari : valssattu teräs panssari vaihtoehtoja räjähtävän reaktiivipanssari ja komposiittipanssarilevy : tärkein aseistus . Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Kontakt. 1 Historia . Main article: Ajax (armoured vehicle) The ASCOD vehicle was chosen by the UK MoD as the common base platform on which the Ajax would be developed. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The ASCOD MMBT is bulkier due to its thicker armor; the hull however isn't as tall as the ASCOD 35's one (due to the raised roof of the later) and the length is also identical. MG3 7,62 × 51 mm NATO (Pizarro) FN MAG 7,62 × 51 mm NATO (Ulan / ASCOD 2 MBT) Motor : Diesel 600 hk (Pizarro fase 1) 720 hk (Pizarro fase 2) 720 hk (Ulan) Affjedring : torsionsstang og Piedrafita rotationsdæmpere AR01 og AR02. Source: IHS Markit/Patrick Allen. The rubber band tracks are limited to STANAG 4569 level 3a, the ballistic protection is below STANAG 4569 level 6 (i.e. The 120mm smoothbore gun fires standard NATO ammunition and is coupled to a computerised fire control system giving the commander and gunner stabilised day/thermal sights incorporating a laser rangefinder. JUDr. This selection was the result of the UK's Specialist Vehicle Programme. ASCOD. Armoured personnel carrier/Infantry fighting vehicle; GDELS ASCOD 2 Spain Israel: Command vehicle: ASCOD CV - (+1) ASCOD 2 fitted with specialized communications for command and control, similar to British Army's Athena C2 vehicle. The ASCOD Family of Vehicles is a versatile and powerful land platform for current and future operation theatres which is operated by various NATO members countries. ASCOD MMBT 120 . Additionally, our ASCOD candidate for the Czech BVP project will feature superior capabilities in terms of lethality and battlefield superiority. It is mated with a Renk HSLW256B 6-speed automatic transmission. An electrically stabilised ATK M242 Bushmasters 25mm chain gun is mounted in the turret with a coaxial 7.62mm MG, giving the vehicle a fire on the move capability. Přihlašte se k odběru našich novinek. 1,978 65 4. Novinky na e-mail. ASCOD modularity and interoperability is based in its Common Base Platform (CBP) which provides adaptability, scalability and fit to customer needs, while assuring remarkable cost-efficient maintenance and worldwide ILS. ASCOD Medium Main Battle Tank (MMBT) The contract has Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) options for a total of up to $968 million. Previous post Eurosatory 2018 ASCOD IFV MMBT Technamm Masstech T4 Carbon Skeleton Black Eagle 5 UAV Helicopter. Přejete si dostávat aktuální informace? Bionix 25 Infantry Fighting Vehicle Singapores Bionix IFV Family – Bionix 25. Work on this contract will be performed at Land Systems locations in Sterling Heights, Mich.; Scranton, Pa., and Tallahassee, Fla., and at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio — the only operational tank plant in the country. ASCOD MMBT merupakan versi medium tank dari keluarga platform kendaraan tempur multifungsi ASCOD. Like the ASCOD MMBT, the ASCOD 2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is also featured in the French Eurosatory 2018 where unlike its predecessor, it is likely to be fitted by the Elbit UT30MK2 remote-controlled turret, which in itself is an improved variant over the UT-25 remote-controlled turrets that the Philippine Army obtains onboard its upgraded M-113 Armored Personnel Carriers. Learn how your comment data is processed. ASCOD MMBT 120 is the vehicle of fire support based on the chassis of the ASCOD 42. Commonality and interoperability with allies' tank ammos in time of military exercise or actual combat is also an … ASCOD 2 MMBT - A Medium Main Battle Tank armed with either a 120mm or 105mm HITFACT turret. Advanced Member ; Contributing Members; 233 484 posts; Author; Report; Share; … matrix. The car is equipped with the Italian tower complex HITFACT companies Leonardo (formerly Oto Melara), with a cannon caliber 120 mm with a barrel length of 45 calibre, and a coax 7.62 mm. ASCOD IFV 30 je bojové vozidlo pěchoty postavené na bázi podvozku ASCOD 35. 1.1 Distributionshistorik ; 2 Design . Tel. Eurosatory 2018 ASCOD IFV MMBT Technamm Masstech T4 Carbon Skeleton Black Eagle 5 UAV Helicopter Eurosatory 2018, the Land and Airland Defence & Security Exhibition in Paris (France) is an opportunity for many International Defense Companies from all over the world to showcase new products including soldier individual combat gear, UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle and combat vehicles as IFV … Next post Belgium National Day 2018: Air Component Flypast Rehearsal. Categories . [29] National variants Ajax Scout SV. ASCOD IFV: With a GVW of 35t … Based in its CBP, ASCOD offers all its variants to comply with current threats. matrix. Innehåll . The IFV from Eurosatory is based on the ASCOD 35 chassis (ASCOD 2 designed for a maximum gross vehicle weight of 35 tonnes) and seems rather limited protection. 2805662.
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