Projekt Beschreibung. Tags: Indien. During their displacement, Christian refugees lived off of their savings, having lost all sources of income. The radicals shouted anti-Christian slogans and damaged several pieces of property as they terrorized the Christians gathered for prayer. Father God we pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, deliver them from the hands of Satan in Jesus Christ name. Pope Francis will visit Iraq and meet with Shia religious leader Gran Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani tomorrow. … See MoreSee Less, Two Christian Evangelists Charged with Committing Blasphemy in Pakistan | Persecution, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that two Christian evangelists are being charged with violating Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy law and could face a mandatory death sentence if …. THANK YOU ICC ….. During their displacement, Christian refugees lived off of their savings, having lost all sources of income. Reminiszere 2021: Bedrängte und verfolgte Christen in Indien Die Publikation bietet Hintergrundinformationen zur Lage der Christen in Indien. “On January 26 too, we gave it to a Pentecostal group for holding the prayer service.”. I Salman Gill, belong to the Family, who lost Qais Javed, A Journalist & CEO of Web News Channel Ehadnama was shot dead by unknown assailants. Release International supports persecuted Christians around the world. 20 Jan 2021 44 3:31 Indian Christians were victims of at least 327 instances of discrimination and targeted violence during 2020, the Barnabas Fund revealed this week. However, the Papal visit also corresponds with increasing security-related concerns in Nineveh, which has become a type of testing ground for Turkey and Iran to pursue competing demonstrations of military strength. Lesen Sie auch. Many of these stalwart Christians are rebuilding their lives through chicken farms with the help of ICC! More, 03/04/2021 Eritrea (International Christian Concern) – 21 female Christian prisoners, all of whom are young mothers, were freed after spending four years in an Eritrean island prison, reports Christian Today. Hello, International Christian Concern is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity. Christian Festivals in India - India is not only a land of varying topographical features, but also a home to people belonging to different religions and ethnicity. Das indische Wahlgesetz reserviert 84 Sitze für die 200 Millionen Dalits des Landes und 47 für die 104 Millionen Menschen, die zu den indigenen Gemeinschaften gehören. Because their lives are not safe here in Pakistan. Because their lives are not safe here in Pakistan. This is a part of the Holy Week and commemorates the day when Jesus Christ spent his last moments with his beloved disciples and took part in the grand feast, known as the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. As the very first pope to set foot on Iraq’s soil, he plans to meet with key Christian and Muslim leaders to address issues faced by both groups. The country was 31st in 2013, but its position worsened each year after Modi came to power. Pope Francis is making a monumental trip to Iraq in order to bring healing to the war-torn society. Indien. One is German, and the other is American. This is the situation of Minorities in Pakistan. We’ve been able to help Christians in Iraq like Bassam, who was displaced by ISIS. 12/29/2020 India (International Christian Concern) – According to a report by Release International, Christian persecution in India is set to increase in 2021. Pope Francis is making a monumental trip to Iraq in order to bring healing to the war-torn society. In den 200 Übergriffen auf Christen, die wir im Jahr 2017 registriert haben, nahm die Polizei nur in 25 Fällen Ermittlungen auf. Since the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014, Hindu nationalism has become a normalized political platform. More, 03/03/2021 Nagorno-Karabakh (International Christian Concern) –  Many cultural collections located in Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian: Artsakh) are now under Azerbaijani control. The local immigration office had called the husband in, but when the couple ... More, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on March 3, 2021, Turkey’s Directorate of Communications for the Presidency published a 290-page document in three languages describing Turkey’s role in Nagorno-Karabakh’s Forty-Four Day War in Fall 2020. How far would you walk to share the Gospel? We’ve been able to help Christians in Iraq like Bassam, who was displaced by ISIS. “They were arrested in 2017 after a series of raids on underground churches by the Eritrean authorities. India ranked 10 th on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2021 World Watch List of the countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian, as it was in 2020. Since then, many radical Hindu nationalists have been encouraged to harass Christians and shut down their places of worship. I hereby seek your help for Qais Family which include his unmarried Sisters and his children. Over the past two years, his chicken farm has tripled in size, giving him a chance to start over again. The Indian Constitution has defined the country as a secular nation, hence people following different religions coexist in harmony here. Please I'm waiting for your response. Many of their husbands were conscripts, leaving their children ... More, 02/12/2021 India (International Christian Concern) – “It was like a cyclone hit our state,” a pastor from India, who wished to remain anonymous, recently told International Christian Concern (ICC). Both are Christians and had been living in Turkey for over 25 years. I'm Salman Gill, 24, Christian, living in Kohat, Pakistan. This normalization has had dire consequences for the country’s religious minorities. Christen, die einen hinduistischen Hintergrund haben, tragen in Indien die Hauptlast der Verfolgung. ©2020 International Christian Concern - All Rights Reserved. Most incidents go unreported due to fear of reprisal and lack of confidence in India’s justice system. One of Pope Francis’ final stops during his visit in Iraq will be Qaraqosh, where a remnant of Christians has returned after years of bloodshed and desecration. … See MoreSee Less, Iraq's Remnant of Believers Will Finally Meet the Pope | Persecution. Nach Berichten von ICC wurden am 11. Image: Jcomp / Envato / Edits by Rick Szuecs For Christians trying to care for the poor in India, there is always a need for … 01/27/2021 India (International Christian Concern) – According to the Union of Catholic Asia News (UCAN), a Christian prayer gathering in India was recently terrorized by a group of radical Hindu nationalists. … See MoreSee Less, Iraq's Remnant of Believers Will Finally Meet the Pope | Persecution. Reports claim the radicals falsely accused the Christians of conducting illegal religious conversions to justify their attack. COVID also continued to impact daily life for Nineveh residents, further hindering the post-ISIS economy. 15 Jan 2021 694 3:51 Christians in India face persecution “in all areas of public and private life,” according to a study by the Christian Aid group Open Doors. While no Christians were injured in the incident, Father Joseph reports that many are shaken. Sie wollen ihr Land von Islam und dem christlichen Glauben reinigen und schrecken auch nicht davor zurück, erhebliche Gewalt einzusetzen, um ihr Ziel zu erreichen. Join us to help us rebuild Quaraqosh, one chicken farm at a time! ‘Our partners tell us that attacks are on the rise under Communism in China, Islam in Iran and Malaysia, and under militant Hinduism in India,’ says Release … 03/04/2021 Turkey (International Christian Concern) – On March 2, 2021, a married foreign couple living in Turkey were taken to a deportation center. Preparations for the Pope’s visit to Iraq accentuated activities throughout the Nineveh Plains, creating an atmosphere of eager and hopeful anticipation as each day drew closer to his March visit. Another Christian Holiday 2021 in India is Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday. COVID also continued to impact daily life for Nineveh residents, further hindering the post-ISIS economy. DESIRE PSALM (34): 6 …. Christen nach Angriff schwer verletzt Fr, 19/02/2021 - 13:21. For interviews, please contact Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator: The meeting between the Pope and the Grand Ayatollah will be private and informal, during which the two hope to discuss extremist violence. In September 2020, Christians in three villages in the Chhattisgarh state were reportedly attacked by mobs of up to 3,000 people who were incited by Hindu extremists to attack the Christians. I hereby seek your help for Qais Family which include his unmarried Sisters and his children. aufgrund des Zeugnisses des Apostels Thomas entlang der südlichen Malabarküste entstanden sein. Pray for Christian evangelists Haroom Masih and Salamat Masih who are facing blasphemy charges. Praise the lord thinking you lord Jesus for the helps given by ICC'S mission in your mercy bless their mission meet all their financial needs and bless every one involve in the mission thanking you lord Jesus amen. Indien; Religionsfreiheit; religiöse verfolgung; Gerechtigkeit; Hinduismus ; Indien: Sorge über neues Anti-Konversions-Gesetz. Release International reports the growing influence of radical Hindu nationalism in India is the main driver of increased persecution. Die Thomaschristen führen ihre Tradition auf den Apostel Thomas zurück, der Indien im Jahr 52 erreicht haben soll. As the very first pope to set foot on Iraq’s soil, he plans to meet with key Christian and Muslim leaders to address issues faced by both groups. Alle Christen in Indien sind Verfolgung ausgesetzt, da extremistische Hindus sie als Fremdkörper im Land betrachten. DESIRE PSALM (34): 6 …. (Release International) -- Christian persecution in 2021 is set to rise in India and China, forecasts Release International, which has just published its annual Persecution Trends survey. Thank you. NEW DELHI — About 300 refugees from a Christian minority community from Myanmar held a demonstration in India’s capital on Wednesday against last month’s military takeover in their country and demanded the immediate release of Aung San Suu Kyi and other Myanmar leaders. Reports claim the radicals falsely accused the Christians of conducting illegal religious conversions to justify their attack. Sie werden beständig unter Druck gesetzt, zum Hin… I Salman Gill, belong to the Family, who lost Qais Javed, A Journalist & CEO of Web News Channel Ehadnama was shot dead by unknown assailants. They might get targeted too. His farm started out with 3,000 chicks from ICC. International Christian Concern is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity. The radicals accused the Christians of violating Madhya Pradesh’s newly enacted anti-conversion law as justification for their actions. However, the Papal visit also corresponds with increasing security-related concerns in Nineveh, which has become a type of testing ground for Turkey and Iran to pursue competing demonstrations of military strength. An investigation into the incident has been launched. Pope Francis is making a monumental trip to Iraq in order to bring healing to the war-torn society. Both are Christians and had been living in Turkey for over 25 years. Luke Scorziell | February 16, 2021 . Christian persecution in 2021 is set to rise in China and India, forecasts Release International, which has just published its annual Persecution Trends survey. “They were arrested in 2017 after a series of raids on underground churches by the Eritrean authorities. … See MoreSee Less, Nineveh Plains Transitional Justice Report: February | Persecution, 03/01/2021 Iraq (International Christian Concern)–Preparations for the Pope's visit to Iraq accentuated activities throughout the Nineveh Plains, creating an atmosphere of eager and hopeful…, Christian Couple Face Deportation from Turkey, Turkey’s Directorate of Communications Releases Report Justifying Genocide, 21 Christians Released From Prison in Eritrea, Iraq’s Remnant of Believers Will Finally Meet the Pope, Turkey Has Been Slowly Suffocating Its Christian Community. The Catholic authorities who own the Christian media center describe the incident as an attack on Christians peacefully gathered for prayers. The All India Conference of Indian Christians and the All India Catholic Union formed a working committee with M. Rahnasamy of Andhra University serving as President and B.L. Sie sind noch heute etwa im Bundesstaat Kerala zu finden und machen einen erheblichen Prozentsatz der dortigen Bevölkerung aus. Orpington, England (ANS) – Christian persecution in 2021 is set to rise in China and India forecasts Release International, which has just published its annual Persecution Trends survey. Please I'm waiting for your response. … See MoreSee Less, Pope Francis to Meet with Top Shia Leader During Visit to Iraq | Persecution, 01/29/2021 Vatican (International Christian Concern) – In his trip to Iraq scheduled for March, Pope Francis will meet with Shia …, Preparations for the Pope’s visit to Iraq accentuated activities throughout the Nineveh Plains, creating an atmosphere of eager and hopeful anticipation as each day drew closer to his March visit. Ort: Indien. Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh representatives appealed via Russian peacekeepers for their return, although there has not been any success so ... More, Pope Francis is making a monumental trip to Iraq in order to bring healing to the war-torn society. Hello, Father God we pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, deliver them from the hands of Satan in Jesus Christ name. … See MoreSee Less, ICC Helps Displaced Farmers Rebuild in Iraq | Persecution. Rund … Februar Christen im indischen Bundesstaat Jharkhand brutal von religiösen Nationalisten angegriffen, die sie beschuldigten, eine nicht genehmigte Kirche zu bauen und Menschen zum Christentum zu bekehren. ADF reported at least 328 incidents of targeted violence against Christians in 2019. On January 9, the state government of Madhya Pradesh enacted a new anti-conversion law which it touted as the most stringent in India. 03/03/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – The Pope is coming to Iraq! We’ve built numerous farms, amounting to thousands of jobs in this region. OUR BELOVED LOR JESUS CRISTH THE LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU FREE FROM EVERYTHING EVIL THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GESTURES OF LOVE AND EFFORT TO BLESS THE PERSECUTED CHURCH GIVING THEM RELIEF AND EVEN COMFORT BY JUST KNOWING OR UNDERSTANDING THAT THERE ARE SOME OF OUR GROSS INTERESTS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN OUR GROSS INTERESTS. Rallia Ram of Lahore serving as General Secretary; in its meeting on 16 April 1947 and 17 April 1947, the joint committee prepared a 13-point memorandum that was sent to the Constituent Assembly of India, … … See MoreSee Less, ICC Helps Displaced Farmers Rebuild in Iraq | Persecution. Police were notified of the incident and have registered charges against 15 people for trespass. His farm started out with 3,000 chicks from ICC. They chanted “Restore democracy in Burma” and “Shame on you dictator” and […] As the very first pope to set foot on Iraq’s soil, he plans to meet with key Christian and Muslim leaders to address issues faced by both groups. According to the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI), violent attacks on Indian Christians have more than doubled the recent years. For interviews, please contact Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator: More, 03/04/2021 Eritrea (International Christian Concern) – 21 female Christian prisoners, all of whom are young mothers, were freed after spending four years in an Eritrean island prison, reports Christian Today. Union-Church – Kirche des Zusammenschlusses – so haben sie ihr provisorisches Gotteshaus genannt. Indien: Priester tot aufgefunden. Pray for Christian evangelists Haroom Masih and Salamat Masih who are facing blasphemy charges. 03/04/2021 Turkey (International Christian Concern) – On March 2, 2021, a married foreign couple living in Turkey were taken to a deportation center. However, the Papal visit also corresponds with increasing security-related concerns in Nineveh, which has become a type of testing ground for Turkey and Iran to pursue competing demonstrations of military strength. After ISIS attacked Qeraqosh in 2014, thousands of Christians were forced to flee. Pope Francis is making a monumental trip to Iraq in order to bring healing to the war-torn society. Die indische c… Nigeria led the world with 3,530 martyrs confirmed by Open Doors for its 2021 list. The meeting between the Pope and the Grand Ayatollah will be private and informal, during which the two hope to discuss extremist violence. Release International supports persecuted Christians around the world. Over the past two years, his chicken farm has tripled in size, giving him a chance to start over again. One of Pope Francis’ final stops during his visit in Iraq will be Qaraqosh, where a remnant of Christians has returned after years of bloodshed and desecration. Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh representatives appealed via Russian peacekeepers for their return, although there has not been any success so ... More, Pope Francis is making a monumental trip to Iraq in order to bring healing to the war-torn society. Preparations for the Pope’s visit to Iraq accentuated activities throughout the Nineveh Plains, creating an atmosphere of eager and hopeful anticipation as each day drew closer to his March visit. Projekt Beschreibung. As the very first pope to set foot on Iraq’s soil, he plans to meet with key Christian and Muslim leaders to address issues faced by both groups. Asien. Oktober 2020 festgenommen. RI noted that incidents targeting Indian Christians have risen steeply since 2014, when Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party came to power. ©2020 International Christian Concern - All Rights Reserved. … See MoreSee Less, Nineveh Plains Transitional Justice Report: February | Persecution, 03/01/2021 Iraq (International Christian Concern)–Preparations for the Pope's visit to Iraq accentuated activities throughout the Nineveh Plains, creating an atmosphere of eager and hopeful…, Christian Couple Face Deportation from Turkey, Turkey’s Directorate of Communications Releases Report Justifying Genocide, 21 Christians Released From Prison in Eritrea, Iraq’s Remnant of Believers Will Finally Meet the Pope, Turkey Has Been Slowly Suffocating Its Christian Community. About 300 refugees from a Christian minority community from Myanmar held a demonstration in India's capital on Wednesday against last month’s military takeover in … Chin refugees from Myanmar carry a mock coffins of Commander in chief, Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing during a protest against military coup in Myanmar, in New Delhi, India, Wednesday, March 3, 2021. Bilkondi: Three Christians, including two pastors, were hospitalized after a Hindu radical group allegedly attacked a birthday party.. On March 1, a mob of 25 members of the Bajrang Dal attacked Christians who had gathered at Bilkondi, a village in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, for the birthday celebrations of Pastor Sadashiv Raju’s son. Many of their husbands were conscripts, leaving their children ... More, 02/12/2021 India (International Christian Concern) – “It was like a cyclone hit our state,” a pastor from India, who wished to remain anonymous, recently told International Christian Concern (ICC). Bis zum Jahr 2021 will sie Indien frei von Muslimen und Christen machen. We’ve built numerous farms, amounting to thousands of jobs in this region. India ranked 10 th on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2021 World Watch List of the countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian, as it was in 2020. Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google PlusShare on Linked InShare by Email, Pray for Christian evangelists Haroom Masih and Salamat Masih who are facing blasphemy charges. Der indische Jesuitenpater wurde am 8. Pope Francis will visit Iraq and meet with Shia religious leader Gran Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani tomorrow. 30/01/2021. Join us to help us rebuild Quaraqosh, one chicken farm at a time! Thanks ICC for all the hard work you do for Catholics around the world….. Pope Francis will visit Iraq and meet with Shia religious leader Gran Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani tomorrow. EFI’s data was corroborated by a report released by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) India. How far would you walk to share the Gospel? THANK YOU ICC ….. OUR BELOVED LOR JESUS CRISTH THE LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU FREE FROM EVERYTHING EVIL THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GESTURES OF LOVE AND EFFORT TO BLESS THE PERSECUTED CHURCH GIVING THEM RELIEF AND EVEN COMFORT BY JUST KNOWING OR UNDERSTANDING THAT THERE ARE SOME OF OUR GROSS INTERESTS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN OUR GROSS INTERESTS. They might get targeted too. Praise the lord thinking you lord Jesus for the helps given by ICC'S mission in your mercy bless their mission meet all their financial needs and bless every one involve in the mission thanking you lord Jesus amen. 03/03/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – The Pope is coming to Iraq! Geological, cultural, and historical items that were moved into bomb shelters in Shushi are now claimed by Azerbaijan. Many of these stalwart Christians are rebuilding their lives through chicken farms with the help of ICC! In 2014, the year the BJP rose to political power, EFI recorded 147 violent attacks on Indian Christians. Similar to EFI, ADF’s 2019 data represented an increase in violence when compared with previous years. The Growth rate of Hindus, Muslims, and Christian is expected to fall more in upcoming 2021 census while other religions like Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddism are expected to remain stable for next 2 decades considering already slowed down the growth rate of these religions.State wise Population of india is divided into Religion. Geological, cultural, and historical items that were moved into bomb shelters in Shushi are now claimed by Azerbaijan. Yesterday, January 26, more than 100 radical Hindu nationalists broke into a Christian media center in Indore, a city located in India’s Madhya Pradesh state, to terrorized Christians gathered for a prayer meeting. Thank you. 2021-03-02T12:51:05-04002021-03-02T12:45:22-04002021-03-02T12:39:57-0400 ... “The 2011 edition of the government’s census data revealed Christians as only 2.3 percent of the Indian … The group also predicted that in India, intolerance toward Christians and other religious minorities will continue to grow during 2021, largely due to growing Hindu nationalism. After ISIS attacked Qeraqosh in 2014, thousands of Christians were forced to flee. Ein neues, hartes Gesetz gegen sogenannte Zwangskonvertierungen oder Zwangsbekehrungen ist im indischen Bundesstaat Madhya Pradesh in Kraft getreten. The meeting between the Pope and the Grand Ayatollah will be private and informal, during which the two hope to discuss extremist violence. Indien ist ein Land, dessen Verfassung zwar Religionsfreiheit gewährt; diese schränkt die Politik vielerorts jedoch so stark ein, dass nicht-hinduistische Glaubensgemeinschaften immer mehr unter Druck geraten. Petition für Pater STAN SWAMY (INDIEN) Developer 2021-02-12T08:34:33+01:00. Die ökumenische Hilfsorganisation Christen in Not hat Pater Stan Swamy, mit bürgerlichem Namen Stan Lourdusamy, als Gefangenen des Monats Dezember benannt. Die von der nationalistischen Bharatiya Janata … COVID also continued to impact daily life for Nineveh residents, further hindering the post-ISIS economy. 14/12/2020. Our hope is that it will breathe life back into their communities. Indien: Christen leisten Corona-Hilfe und werden inhaftiert – Gefangene des Monats Februar Anzeigen gegen Seema und Mi Kyung Lee wegen Missionsversuchen – Helfer weisen Vorwurf zurück Die IGFM hat zwei Christinnen als Gefangene des Monats benannt, die in Indien inhaftiert sind. This is the situation of Minorities in Pakistan. … See MoreSee Less, Two Christian Evangelists Charged with Committing Blasphemy in Pakistan | Persecution, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that two Christian evangelists are being charged with violating Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy law and could face a mandatory death sentence if …. … See MoreSee Less, Pope Francis to Meet with Top Shia Leader During Visit to Iraq | Persecution, 01/29/2021 Vatican (International Christian Concern) – In his trip to Iraq scheduled for March, Pope Francis will meet with Shia …, Preparations for the Pope’s visit to Iraq accentuated activities throughout the Nineveh Plains, creating an atmosphere of eager and hopeful anticipation as each day drew closer to his March visit. Die ersten christlichen Gemeinden sollen mit den Thomaschristen ab 53 n. Chr. Indien: Kirche begrüßt Gerichtsurteil zu sexuellen Übergriffen. Nine in 10 Christians killed for their faith were in Africa, the rest in Asia. The meeting between the Pope and the Grand Ayatollah will be private and informal, during which the two hope to discuss extremist violence. COVID also continued to impact daily life for Nineveh residents, further hindering the post-ISIS economy. The report also found that Christians in India will face increased persecution in 2021 due to increased growth in Hindu nationalism. The local immigration office had called the husband in, but when the couple ... More, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on March 3, 2021, Turkey’s Directorate of Communications for the Presidency published a 290-page document in three languages describing Turkey’s role in Nagorno-Karabakh’s Forty-Four Day War in Fall 2020. “We give our space in the center to different Christian denominations, including Pentecostal groups, for prayer meetings,” Father Babu Joseph, the center’s director, told UCAN. Mit Sorge wird auch da­rauf hingewiesen, dass Indien bis 2021 ein rein hinduistischer Staat sein soll. However, the incidents reported by EFI and ADF likely only represent a portion of the violence experienced by India’s Christian community. 01/27/2021 India (International Christian Concern) – According to the Union of Catholic Asia News (UCAN), a Christian prayer gathering in India was recently terrorized by a group of radical Hindu nationalists. I'm Salman Gill, 24, Christian, living in Kohat, Pakistan. In a landmark initiative, Government of India presents ‘The India Toy Fair 2021’. Angriff. In 2019, after five years of BJP rule, EFI recorded 366 violent attacks. Das ist schockierend!“ So lautet eine aktuelle Schilderung von CSI zur Situation in Indien. Our hope is that it will breathe life back into their communities. More, 03/03/2021 Nagorno-Karabakh (International Christian Concern) –  Many cultural collections located in Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian: Artsakh) are now under Azerbaijani control. However, the Papal visit also corresponds with increasing security-related concerns in Nineveh, which has become a type of testing ground for Turkey and Iran to pursue competing demonstrations of military strength. Thanks ICC for all the hard work you do for Catholics around the world….. Pope Francis will visit Iraq and meet with Shia religious leader Gran Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani tomorrow. Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google PlusShare on Linked InShare by Email, Pray for Christian evangelists Haroom Masih and Salamat Masih who are facing blasphemy charges. Seema und Mi Kyung Lee (INDIEN) Developer 2021-02-12T08:33:11+01:00. One is German, and the other is American.
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