CF203-04 - Fire Inspector I (70) Use OData to open the dataset in tools like Excel or Tableau. Homeowners and business owners in Nashville have a responsibility to their neighbors to maintain a safe, clean property. 5 0 obj Thank you for visiting our site. Shp Z'F;RAxmC7`/# m7P7pO MJ` qdts7J8nn""mEoMh||Kd[6U_7EMmX"{G_xPjU! 2023 Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee, Updates to our development services fees will be effective beginning Friday, July 1. The 2018 Edition of the International Building Code is hereby amended by deleting Sections 102 through 116.5 in their entirety. CF225-01 - Courtesy Inspections for Firefighters (4) Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office - Main - Tennessee Select "Building and Fire Safety" as the profession and complete the form Central Office, Nashville Phone: (615) 741-7190 Fax: (615) 532-7488 Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office Code Enforcement Section 500 James Robertson Parkway Tenth Floor, Davy Crockett Tower Nashville, TN 37243-1162 Middle Tennessee Regional Trunked Radio System - RadioReference Tableau users should select the OData v2 endpoint option. CF218-01 - NFPA 14 - Installation of Standpipe & Hose Systems (4) 10 0 obj <> Thank you for visiting our site. Our fire professional brings you NICET Level 4 Certificationa level of expertise only a few professionals in the Nashville area have achieved. For help in Spanish, send an email to [emailprotected] or call 615-862-4078. THE CODE OF THE METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT OF NASHVILLE AND DAVIDSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified THE CHARTER Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Title 2 - ADMINISTRATION Title 3 - PERSONNEL Title 4 - PROCUREMENT CODE Title 5 - REVENUE AND FINANCE Title 6 - BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS Title 7 - ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Chapter 10.68 - FIREWORKS Chapter 10.64 - FIRE PREVENTION CODE Article I. 500 James Robertson Pkwy Nashville, TN 37243-0565 (615) 741-2241 Ask.TDCI@TN.Gov. CF212-03 - Central Station Monitoring & Acceptance Testing (3) \Z-=_p\OLE ;S3ti kvg33,$\^/ eXcADjk\m2 iv[RdVXDbfq`*pbrV5&*#UvX2q^ L 0# Search by council district, property address, and case status. CF204-03 - Reviewing Plans by the '12 IFC (4) Nashville, TN 37219 United States (615) 532-5805 Secondary Contact for State Adoption Mary Beth Gribble Director - Fire Prevention Programs and Policy Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance 500 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37219 United States (615) 532-3272 These lists are provided for reference only and are not meant to be inclusive of all code and policy requirements. 1st Floor, Development Services Conference Room CF254-01 - Fire Prevention in Industrial Environments (4) TN you will be prompted to sign in. Nashville CF218-00 - NFPA 14 - Installation of Standpipe & Hose Systems (7) A+{T-JDGKTB/M28 RETQ*Y@c%Bu0UIF{h.WIE P) 2Ibv,)Ox=:v=vU,v&bU Q"Q0u\kG{4z)CaO?v;z$? /^X0b7d/s1~k:Sp4vir`v|Q>gzSNul:VM'|RSh"o5E&/a?g"7m.ZsmE1N`>ME"eSbMwXTriDTDYPqb/NOX@(~m~&qMW``Ch:82@UmN4F]N fhFj)[ED,.t{^1xa}"Zkmr*u>z'CcU'u>N?5fItD/#dTdOOkTTQZ|ZX;jtD\+!-"f|FbZ,FK}Z9+f&ekXbp~Rb]Q|7js4xC\L1 The policy and procedure of the metropolitan fire department, proposing the fire department's policy and procedures to be observed in requesting and responding to requests for emergency assistance is approved. g&S4 L9DW7G~(r}>{sC.CJa5CJl[bd!HlDxU41&g~q,LTIb3<>\=OP&gM}2;Pg;,[,M('] XY!rxXYr\RIg[/z Updates to our operations and procedures related to Coronavirus precautions. CF248-00 - Risk Reduction for Fire & Building Officials (7) State Codes Adoption & History [pdf] *Updated April 12th, 2021* Jump to a chapter through the table of contents. Fire Service & Codes Enforcement Academy About Us Fire Program General Fire Service Fire Apparatus/Equipment Industrial Fire Prevention Investigations Rescue Fire Officer / Administration In-Service Fire Instructor Train-the-Trainer Mobile Training Tower Codes Program Scheduled Courses & Registration Forms News & Information Contact Fire Program Building Code 2018 of Nashville and Davidson County, Chapter 3 Occupancy Classification and Use, Chapter 4 Special Detailed Requirements Based on Occupancy and Use, Chapter 5 General Building Heights and Areas, Chapter 7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features, Chapter 9 Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems, Chapter 15 Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures, Chapter 25 Gypsum Board, Gypsum Panel Products and Plaster, Chapter 30 Elevators and Conveying Systems, Chapter 32 Encroachments Into the Public Right-of-Way, Chapter 33 Safeguards During Construction, Appendix C Group UAgricultural Buildings, Appendix E Supplementary Accessibility Requirements, Appendix L Earthquake Recording Instrumentation, Appendix M Tsunami-Generated Flood Hazard. CF204-01 - '09 Fire Safety Plans Review (21) CF225-00 - Courtesy Inspections for Firefighters (16) . Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, Back to Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office. Code Snitching: Nashvillians Are Weaponizing Metro Codes Against 'Undesirable' Neighbors Taking a deep dive on a trend that disproportionately affects Black and low-income Nashvillians Radley. BL2019-1659, effective September 1, 2019, requires updated Metros sidewalk requirements and included an administrative waiver process in limited circumstances. Chapter 10.64 - FIRE PREVENTION CODE | Code of Ordinances | Metro Government of Nashville and Davidson County, TN | Municode Library Metro Government of Nashville and Davidson County, TN 10.60.100 - Violation and penalty. View general information and results about each case. Property Maintenance Code (7), PM200-02 Introduction to the '15 International Property Maintenance Code (7), PM200-03 Introduction to the '15 Intl. CF251-00 - Analyzing Incidents for Responsibility (7) <> Nashville and Davidson County Agencies Codes and Building Safety Website: Address: 800 2nd Ave S, 1st Floor Codes Department, Nashville, TN 37210 Phone: 615-862-6500 Nashville Fire Marshal Office Website: For more more information, view the API docs for this dataset or visit our developer portal. offers mobile apps for the App Store and Google Play. Font Size. %?S\K>]%-*I)txW+@y&lj?`V|?Vy?.NVKjqcfBZ; Fire Code 2018 of Nashville and Davidson County Nashville, All the information that is in this pane, and more, is now on Primer, in a more consumable and user friendly format. Fire and Building Code Appeals Board Meeting, Agenda, January 10, 2023 Fire and Building Code Appeals Board Meeting, Minutes, January 10, 2023 Metro Office Building ],9\0lX>u7!b6*Nn G)O(4xdu]A4D[LoH NFPA 88A: Standard for Parking Structures Metro Government of Nashville and Davidson County, TN - CivicPlus DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag; 1343: 53f: DE: F D2DIR: NFD Unit-to-Unit D2: Fire-Tac: 1345: 541: DE: F D3ADM . To access the full Other Resources Open Data Documentation About Reserved. N}H o 4CtM,i6"QFMp &tp CF217-03 - '12 IFC/IBC Chapter 9 - Fire Protection Systems (4) CF224-01 - '14 NFPA 25 Inspection Sprinkler Systems (7) Code Consulting: Building and Fire Code Compliance | Jensen Hughes Codes and Building Safety Department Home, Construct an Addition to a Single-Family Residence, Build a Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU), Move a Business Into an Existing Property, More information about the sidewalk requirements and waiver process, Pay for permit application, sidewalk waiver, BZA appeal, Update permit bond, insurance, or state license information, Obtain username and password for e-permits system, Registered contractors may apply for building and trades permits, make online payments, check the status of inspections, and renew licenses and registrations via, Submit Short Term Rental Property applications. CF248-02 - Risk Reduction for Fire & Building Officials (3) * hKe?i({WwG4tV:qY To initiate a sidewalk waiver request, an applicant must come to Metro Codes and sign in to see a Zoning Examiner, who will create the application. public before people will be able to see it. Below are links to several of the most often used correction (check) lists. The Metro Department of Codes and Building Safety is required by Tennessee state law 13-7-604(C) to inform you that any false complaints made against a short-term rental unit provider are punishable as perjury under TCA 39-16-702. 6e2i5~0nw You are viewing a mobile version of this dataset. The Department of Codes and Building Safety is located at 800 Second Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37210. -Z}hn!&JtgoWmF`:z7J2r9Huw(g;t>4}fW'vW}!h,HS8*JP7x>BtYm] gBasRf/!ch~DXjMCIg""h.iItFTg ^lN;]H8khv)$(ona'{Sp>rm$:uplZm9N~w2t8rWF[\i2t,;mcv~:;1=Fc &?hfd\g Tenth Floor, Davy Crockett Tower CF238-01 - Fire Protection for Buildings Under Construction (1) BcUC6d O!p>z&f! Our pet-friendly community just underwent a Multi-Million Dollar Renovation and all our homes now offer Granite Counters, Stainless Appliances, Wood style Flooring and so much more! 1st Floor, Codes Department Metro Government of Nashville and Davidson County, TN CF235-01 - Fire Inspection for Places of Religious Worship (3) Annex C Sample Ordinance Adopting the NFPA 1, Annex D Hazardous Materials Management Plans and Hazardous Materials Inventory Statements, Annex E Fire Fighter Safety Building Marking System, Annex F Fire Fighter Breathing-Air Replenishment Systems. a-Normal; A+; . Nashville, TN 37243-1162, Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, Back to Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, endobj Nashville | Open Data | Nashville Open Data Portal }^VQ1AU$R*sI;)MpgBT/aRTAzafN;4_0GYKhyz~W.rZ} Zb[7.2yH`xnt&D endobj CF258-00 - 2018 IFC Enforcement of Process Permits (7), Fire Prevention / State Fire Marshal's Office, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officer Standards Training Commission, Fire Services & Codes Enforcement Academy, CC103-00 Significant Changes to the 2012 ICC Codes, CC200-00 '06 Manchester Code Adoption (4), CC201-00 Introduction to Electronic Plan Review, CC202-00 Proposed Local Amendments to the 2012 ICC Codes, CC202-01 Proposed Local Amendments to the 2012 ICC Codes (3), CC203-00 Hoarding - '09 IBC & IFC Perspective, CC204-00 Wildfire Safe, Sound and Code Smart Workshop (10), CC205-00 '13 TDMH Rules and Regulations-Life Safety (7), CC206-00 2012 ICC Compliant Safe Room Construction, CC207-00 ICC Codes for Flood Hazard Areas, CB200-01 Introduction to the 2012 International Building Codes (14), CB200-02 Introduction to the 2012 International Building Code (35), CB203-01 '09 Commercial Building Inspection (20), CB203-02 '12 Commercial Building Inspector (20), CB203-03 '06 Commercial Building Inspector (28), CB203-04 '12 Commercial Building Inspector (28), CB204-02 '12 Commercial Plans Examiner (3), CB206-01 Significant Changes to the 2012 IBC (7), CB206-02 Significant Changes to the 2012 IBC (5), CB206-03 Significant Changes to the 2012 IBC (4), CB206-04 Significant Changes 2006 to 2012 IBC (15), CB206-05 Significant Changes to the 2015 International Building Code (7), CB206-06 Significant Changes to the 2015 IBC (7), CB211-00 2012 IBC Chapter 34 - Existing Structures (3), CB211-01 Code Enforcement for Existing Buildings (4), CB211-02 Code Enforcement for Existing Buildings (7), CB212-00 Bearing Soils and Foundation Types (4), CB212-01 2012 IBC Foundation Inspections (6), CB212-03 2012 IBC Foundation Inspections (7), CB214-00 Egress Essentials for Fire & Codes Inspectors (3), CB216-00 2012 IBC and 2009 ICC A117.1 Accessibility (6), CB216-03 - 2012 IBC Chapter 11 Accessibility (7), CB217-00 '12 ICC Penetration Requirements for Rated Assemblies (4), CB219-00 Delayed Egress Hardware-UL 294 (4), CX200-01 Introduction to the 2012 International Existing Building Code (11), CB206-07 Significant Changes to the 2018 IBC, CB216-04 2018 IBC Chapter 11 Accessibility (1), CB221-00 Special Occupancies, Buildings and Construction (7), CB221-01 Special Occupancies, Buildings and Construction (3), CB200-04 Introduction to the 2012 IBC - Chapters 1-5, 17 (7), CB200-05 Introduction to the 2012 IBC - Chapters 6-10 (7), CB222-00 2012 IBC Special Inspections (1), CB213-05 Commercial Concrete Construction Methods (3), CB214-03 Means of Egress in Assembly Occupancies (4), CB200-06 Introduction to the 2018 International Building Code (35), CB220-02 2018 IBC Interior Finish Concepts (3), EE207-00 2014 Electrical Inspector Certification Preparation (36), EE207-02 2017 Electrical Inspector Certification Preparation (28), EE200-01 Overview of the 2017 NEC with Significant Changes (4), EE211-00 Residential Electrical Inspection of Pools and Ponds (3), EE212-00 Residential Electrical Services, Grounding & Bonding (4), EE213-00 Commercial & Residential Photovoltaic Concepts (3), CE200-00 Introduction to the '12 IECC (7), CE200-01 Introduction to the '12 IECC (3), CE200-02 Introduction to the '12 IECC (2), CE200-03 Introduction to the '09 IECC (7), CE201-00 Introduction to the '12 IECC - Residential (7), CE202-00 Introduction to the '12 IECC - Inspection Testing (7), CE202-01 Introduction to the '12 IECC - Inspection Testing (4), CE202-02 Introduction to the '12 IECC - Inspection Testing (2), CE202-03 Introduction to the '12 IECC - Inspection Testing (3), CE203-00 Introduction to the '12 IECC - Commercial (7) Part 1, CE204-00 Introduction to the '12 IECC - Commercial (7) Part 2, CE206-00 Significant Changes to the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (7), CE214-00 Coaching Contractors in IECC Residential (3), CE215-00 Functionality of 2018 IECC Buildings (4), CE200-04 - Introduction to the '18 IECC (7), CE216-00 2018 IECC - Whole House Ventilation (4), CM200-01 Introduction to the 2012 International Mechanical Codes and IFGC (7), CM200-02 Introduction to the 2012 International Mechanical Code (7), CM201-01 Introduction to the 2012 IRC Mechanical Codes (7), CM201-02 Introduction to the 2012 IRC Mechanical Codes (4), CM202-02 '12 Residential Mechanical and Gas Inspector (21), CM203-01 '09 Commercial Mechanical and Gas Inspector (21), CM203-02 '12 Commercial Mechanical and Gas Inspector (21), CM207-00 '09 Residential Mechanical Certification Preparation (7), CM207-01 '12 Residential Mechanical Certification Preparation (7), CM208-00 '09 Commercial Mechanical Certification Preparation (7), CM208-01 '12 Commercial Mechanical Certification Preparation (7), CM208-02 '12 Commercial Mechanical Certification Preparation (21), CM212-00 '12 IMC Basic Elements & Significant Changes (4), CM213-00 '09 IMC Ventilation, Chimneys, & HVAC Fuel Supply (7), CM206-00 Significant 2018 ICC Mechanical Changes & Ventilation, CM201-03 - Introduction to the 2015 IRC Mechanical Codes (7), CM200-03 - Introduction to the 2015 International Mechanical Code (7), CM200-04 Introduction to the 2018 International Mechanical Code (4), CM201-04 Introduction to the 2018 IRC Mechanical Codes (3), CM206-01 Significant Changes to the 2018 IMC (4), CM201-05 Introduction to the 2018 IRC Mechanical Codes (7), CP201-02 Introduction to the 2012 IRC Plumbing Codes (4), CP201-03 Introduction to the 2012 International Plumbing Code (7), CP202-01 '09 Residential Plumbing Inspector (14), CP202-02 '12 Residential Plumbing Inspector (14), CP207-00 '09 Residential Plumbing Certification Preparation (7), CP207-01 '12 Residential Plumbing Certification Preparation (7), CP208-00 '09 Commercial Plumbing Certification Preparation (7), CP208-01 '12 Commercial Plumbing Certification Preparation (7), CP211-00 Inspection & Resolution of Venting Problems (3), CP212-00 Inspection of Cross Connections & Backflow (4), CP206-01 Significant Changes to the IPC - 2012 2018 (4), CP214-00 Comparing Waste Stack, Waste Vent & Single Stack (3), CP215-00 Function and Compliance of Plumbing Vents (3), MP206-00 Significant Changes to the 2015 IRC Mech./Plumb., IMC, IPC, IFGC (14), CF203-08 Performing a Proper Fire Inspection (7), CF250-00 NFPA 20 - Pumps for Fire Protection, CF203-05 Performing a Proper Fire Inspection (4), CF200-01 Introduction to the 2012 IFC (14), CF204-01 '09 Fire Safety Plans Review (21), CF204-02 - '12 ICC Fire Plans Examiner Certification Preparation (21), CF204-03 - Reviewing Plans by the '12 IFC (4), CF206-02 Significant Changes-2006 to 2012 IFC (7), CF206-01 Significant Changes to the 2012 IFC (7), CF206-03 Significant Changes - 2009 to 2015 IFC (7), CF206-04 Significant Changes - 2012 to 2015 IFC (7), CF207-01 '09 Fire Safety Inspector Certification Preparation (14), CF207-02 '12 Fire Safety Inspector Certification Preparation (21), CF207-03 '12 ICC Fire Safety Inspector Certification Preparation (14), CF212-02 '10 NFPA 72 Inspecting Fire Alarm Systems (7), CF212-01 '09 Inspecting Fire Alarm Systems (7), CF216-01 '09 Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking (7), CF217-01 '09 Fire Protection Systems IFC/IBC Ch. Plans Review Correction Lists - Tennessee Review appeals applications online using the BZA Tracker. [S*/4bo09XM4w46y W^=DEt&^)yQ1A^M5)5hto/7y6Apg(=dm}Kv\c>x*[&m_y E/! You can preview it here, but you will need to make it CF207-01 - '09 Fire Safety Inspector Certification Preparation (14) H/I2jGt8]wGm&;eD "ILIkJ(6yk@(/h^{dzV8K$JoH#=!Yf)*w You will now access. If you need customer service from any Metro department, please submit a hubNashville request. Nashville, 3 0 obj Nashville Fire Department | (252)459-3017 501 S. Barnes Street, Nashville, NC 27856 In case of emergency, dial 911. These regulations shall be known as the Building Code of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County, hereinafter referred to as "this code." B. CF217-02 - '12 IFC/IBC Chapter 9 - Fire Protection Systems (7) a-Normal; A+; . CF227-00 - '11 NFPA 33 Inspecting Spray Booths (7) If you need customer service from any Metro department, please submit a hubNashville request. stream Home Catalog Suggest Datasets Data Policy Developers Help. Note: For questions about electrical or one- and two-family dwelling inspections or permits call 615-741-7170. ADOPTS WITH AMENDMENTS: International Building Code 2018 (IBC 2018) . CF204-02 - '12 ICC Fire Plans Examiner Certification Preparation (21) hGnxQ3,EW'Az. Chapter 10 Means of Egress. You can preview it, but you will need to make it public before people will be able to see it. endobj 1.1 Scope. CF237-00 - 'Contemporary Codes from Historic Fires (4) CF206-02 - Significant Changes-2006 to 2012 IFC (7) 2023 Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee, Updates to our development services fees will be effective beginning Friday, July 1. endobj dataset, Nashville Fire Department Active Incidents, Our team is involved early in the design process to identify potential compliance issues and develop effective and efficient solutions that meet design intent. endstream This view is currently private.
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