By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. ProSim 8 Vital Signs and ECG Patient Simulator Figure ProSim 8 Vital Signs and ECG Patient Simulator Designed to make comprehensive patient monitor testing fast and easy, ProSim 8 vital signs simulator offers total patient monitor quality and safety testing from non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) static pressure linearity and dynamic pressure repeatability tests, EC13 and ACLS ECG waveforms, to complete Nellcor and Nonin SpO2 low perfusion and Masimo Rainbow SET. 2.4. 284.3 UNPLANNED PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCEUnplanned maintenance is maintenance that is totally unexpected. To ensure the utilization of buildings are according to the stated conditions. compulsory industrial attachment in either government or private sector organizations. Equipped with ten ECG posts, theESA620 simulates of ECG and performance waveforms so both electrical safety andbasic tests on patient monitors can be performed with a single connection. Monitoring and ensuring that students are regular to work daily and signing of attendance register. UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, NAME : PUTERI NUR SOFEA BINTI MOHD REPORT ON STUDENT INDUSTRIAL WORK EXPERIENCE SCHEME (SIWES) TRAINING PROGRAMME . Morerver, I had dothe payment certificate for PPM with my supervisor for medical equipment at KPJJohor. NSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Tech in Electrical Engineering in the year 2018 from Kalinga Institute of Industrial Training, Bhubaneswar, and completed Diploma in Electrical Engineering in the year 2015 from Jnan Chandra Ghosh Polytechnic College, Kolkata. For the December 2020 session, thetraining runs for 20 weeks, starting from 5 Mac 2021 until 20 July 2021.I have sought and found a place to undergo industrial training in the BiomedicalServices Department (BEMS). S. Figure 25: Ground station for street lamps Error! Currently, I am working as a graduate electrical engineer in the Digital Electronic Warfare research group at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). I recommend to KPJ Johor to providing hostel for student duringtheir internship. Press the main screen key on the frontpanel to close the menu.Adjusting the pulse rate volume.Open the pulse rate menu and touch the pulse rate tone volume meu item.Touch a number to increase or decrease the volume. I also had learned how to do a condemn letter to dispose the medical equipment at the KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital. Each student was taught how to fill and sign their log books. Figure 27: Cable protection lay near drain layout (old layout) Error! Ledby skilled and caring medical staff, we are consistently focused on clinical excellenceand innovative technology for superior patient outcomes.Core Values Safety Courtesy Integrity Professionalism Continuous improvement 52.1.3 THE PATIENTSS RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITYPatient's Rights1. machines, air conditioners, punch machines, photocopy machines, etc. 294.6 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING (T&C)Testing and Commissioning (T&C) are the parts of installation equipment in thehospital. SHOW ALL Mechanical Engineering Chemistry Environmental Science and Sustainability Physics and Astronomy Research Methods Earn Your Degree Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. To ensure all the land works carried out according to the procedures. Bookmark not defined. All the institutions of higher learning in Malaysia that offer Engineering programmes have this requirement in their curriculum. It is because the department must bestandby their equipment for cases. ON . 1.3 Electrical Division Industrial Training Scope of Work Project and Training Provided. FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (FKE) INDUSTRIAL TRAINING TECHNICAL REPORT SPECIFIC GUIDELINES FOR ALL FKE STUDENTS BEKG/BEKM (BEKU3695) & DEK (DEKU3118) Objective: One of the objectives of industrial training is to train students to prepare a technical report after completing their industrial training session. The role of the industrial based supervisor was to assign task, controls, monitors and corrects me where necessary he guides and direct students on what to do, the signing of my log-book on weekly bases. ZAKKI Every Student must do the project work in their final year of engineering so carefully otherwise it will affect the degree. This is seen as an effort to provide working exposure to students such that they will have some practical experience prior to graduation. The industrial training program is important for engineering students. The VS4 fuse are blow cause thebattery cant be charge and the power chord already spoilt. The Company also offers expertise in allied contracting activities such as electrical, plumbing, fire-fighting and industrial projects, in order to offer turnkey solutions, apart from execution of . During this MCO i have work fromhome and do a lots of research from medical equipment website for gain myknowlegde.WEEK 20 ( 19 JULY 2021 20 JULY 2021)Updated my log book and report of industrial training. 25811976 Industrial Training Report. I had follow Ms Athirah to do corrective maintenance for the bedside guide rail at the ward. The National color of Kedah State, the spirit of cooperation all members of MPSPK Bookmark not defined. Both machine are in good condition. 42.1.2 VISION, MISSION, CORE VALUESVisionThe Preferred Healthcare ProviderOur fundamental purpose is the delivery of exceptional health treatment, care, anddiagnosis to all our patients. -2)Conduct weekly workshop on the tools and instruments used in Electrical system. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT SESSION DECEMBER 2020 NAZATUL IZZAH BINTI ZAMRI 08DEU18F1010INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT BY NAZATUL IZZAH BINTI ZAMRI 08DEU18F1010 KPJ JOHOR SPECIALIST HOSPITAL THIS REPORT BOOK IS SUBMITTED TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AS FULFILLING PART OF THE CONDITIONS AWARD DIPLOMA IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (MEDICAL)POLITEKNIK SULTAN SALAHUDDIN ABDUL AZIZ SHAH DECEMBER 2020 iiiiiiAKNOWLEDGEMENTSBismillahirahmanirahim, Assalamualaikum W.B.T Alhamdulillah, Praise be to Allah,Lord of the worlds. Other than that, the defibrillatorat physio are low battery. THANESH RAW A/L RAMASAMY GENISAN CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING WORKS SDN.BHD LOT 10437 BATU 4 3/4, KAMPUNG JAWA, KLANG, SELANGOR, 41000 . f) Linking theory to practice and so on. The paper will provide an overview on the UTP Industrial Internship Programme focussing on its objective and approach, management of the programme, operation and monitoring of progress, assessment method and challenges in running the programme. I would like to express my gratitude &respect to head of Electrical Engineering Biomedical Engineering MaintenanceServices (BEMS) KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital, En. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Do not clean electrical contacts or connectors with bleach. 4.2 RECOMMENDATION I will advise that more Electrical engineering students be posted to the organization for their SWEP and SIWES. 24CHAPTER 4 TECHNICAL REPORT4.1 INTRODUCTIONDue of Internship: 5 March 2021 until 20 July 2021Technical reports lead to tasks or work that has been performed during trainingindustry. Red Right to acceptable health care and to be treated with respect and dignity withinsurrounding of reasonable privacy2. Refrigerant Volume, VRV). arranged paths, His blesses, and noble peoples He introduced along from the start to the -1)Delivering lectures of Electrical Engineering to polytechnic students. Other than that, I had learned that wemust have the confident while doing work. Pull the loose edge to remove any slack and close the recorder door. IN Bookmark not defined. SIWESwas established byITFin 1973 to solve the problem of lack of adequate practical skills preparatory for employment in industries by Nigerian graduates of tertiary institutions. ivTABLE CONTENTTITLE PAGESTitle iDeclaration iiPengesahan Tamat Latihan Industri Pelajar iiiAcknowledgments ivTable Content vList Of Tables viList Of Figures viiCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction Industry Training 21.2 Objective of Industry Training 31.3 Importance of Industry TrainingCHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING PLACE 42.1 Introduction 4 5 2.1.1 Profile Company 6 2.1.2 Vision, Mission, Core Values 7 2.1.3 Patients Right & Responsibility 8 2.1.4 KPJ Johor Emblem 8-9 2.1.5 Brand Signature 10 2.1.6 Location 112.2 Organization Chart 112.3 Organization Information 12 2.3.1 Biomedical Organization Structure 122.4 Department Function 13 2.4.1 Head of Services 14 2.4.2 Unit Manager 2.4.3 Medical OfficerCHAPTER 3: SUMMARY OF IDUSTRIAL TRAINING ACTIVITIES 153.1 Introduction 16-243.2 Summary of Industrial Training ActivitiesCHAPTER 4: TECHNICAL SYSTEM 254.1 Introduction 254.2 Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) 26-28 26 4.2.1 Specifications Tools for PPM and EST Test 26 ESA 620 FLUKE 27 ESA 615 FLUKE 27 Rigel 2888+ Electrical Safety Analyzer 28 ProSim 4 Vital Sign and ECG Simulator 28 ProSim 8 Vital Sign and ECG Simulator 29 ProSim SPOTLiGHT SPO2 Pulse Oximeter Analyzer 29 294.3 Unplanned Maintenance4.4 Emergency Breakdown 4.4.1 Breakdown Tools Kit vTITLE PAGES4.5 Beyond Economic Repair (BER) 294.6 Testing and Commissioning (T&C) 304.7 Operation of Vital Sign 4 Monitor 30 30 4.7.1 Introduction 31-32 4.7.2 Label of Function 33 4.7.3 Procedure of Vital Sign 4 34 4.7.4 Common Problem of Vital Sign 4 35-36 4.7.5 Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) Vital Sign 37 4.7.6 Breakdown Vital Sign 4 38CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS 395.1 Findings5.2 Recommendations 40CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION 416.1 Conclusion 42REFERENCES 43 44APPENDIX 1: PPM RESULT OF GASTROSCOPY 45APPENDIX 2: T&C DOCUMENTS 46APPENDIX 3: MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORM 47APPENDIX 4: WORK PASS APPLICATION FORM 48APPENDIX 5: REQUISITION FORM FOR SERVICE/REPAIRAPPENDIX 6: WORKPLACE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMAPPENDIX 7: ACTIVITIESviLIST OF TABLESTABLE PAGESOrganization chart 10Biomedical organization structure 11Head of Services 12Unit Manager 13Medical Officer 14Label of function of SureSign VS4 Monitor 31-32 viiLIST OF FIGURESFIGURE PAGES2.1.1 KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital Building 52.1.4 Logo KPJ Johor KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital Main Entrance KPJ Johor Maps 103.1 KPJ Johor Outpatients Building 163.1.1 Cot side rail patients bed LKL 173.2.1 T&C warmer unit machine, ATOM 183.3.1 PPM of humidifier Ventilator AVEA using Rigel analyzer 183.4.1 ECG waveform not stable and ECG simulator to calibration 193.5.1 PPM of Laser Therapy machine 193.5.2 PPM of Shockwave therapy machine 203.7.1 Oxygen sensor of GA machine 203.9.1 PPM of Tympanometer 213.10.1 Change the side connecter of warner unit 213.12.1 Fuse changing of VSU monitor 223.14.1 EPOC machine 233.15.1 Voltage Stabilizer problem 233.16.1 Site visit of Linac replacement ESA 620 FLUKE ESA 615 FLUKE Rigel 288+ Electrical Safety Analyzer ProSim 4 Vital Sign and ECG Simulator ProSim 8 Vital Sign and ECG Simulator ProSim SPOTLight Spo2 Pulse Oximeter 284.4.1 Breakdown tools 294.7.1 SureSign VS 4 monitor 304.7.3 Basic Operations of SureSign VS4 monitor 33 viiiCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 INTRODUCTION OF INDUSTRY TRAININGThe industrial training compulsory for every student Diploma in ElectronicEngineering (Medical) as a condition for the award of the diploma. opportunity, I would like to thanks to individuals that lend a hand for having a place to I had also do the quarantin for 2 days and get the result onFriday, 28hb May 2021. Sample report. Green/Yellow Figure 33: Weather proof sticker for lighting pole numbering reference Error! Thanks be to God because with blessings anddiligence, I was finally able to complete this report as eligible for the award of theDiploma in Electronic Engineering (Medical). (215507) During the period of my internship work,I have received generous help from many quarters, which I like to put on record herewith deep gratitude and great pleasure. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Tap here to review the details. Student's industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) is a programme designed by the industrial training (IT) especially for the training of students in various institutions . 31324.7.3 Basic operations of Vital Sign 4.Setting up the monitorPhilips recommends that a battery is always installed in the monitor.Connect the power cord to the power connector on the monitors rear paneland to an AC power source. Student also need to apply curiosity throughoutinternship to gain knowledge during the internship. MAINTENCE SER 1.2 MPSPK Function . Often students will be faced with many challenges and problems that have not been confronted. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Electrical Safe Work Practice. About us. An industrial attachment report should have a minimum of 20 pages unless and otherwise advised by your lecturer The attachment report should be submitted upon completion of the attachment (the date of submission depend on Lecturer's instructions). Finally, a big gratitude for the moral support and encouragement from family, 62.1.4 KPJ JOHOR EMBLEM Figure 2.1.4 Logo KPJ JohorKumpulan Perubatan JohorFrom its inception to the end of 2009, KPJ Healthcare Group (KPJ stands forKumpulan Perubatan Johor), which mainly involved in private hospital care business,was expanding very fast within Malaysia. 40REFERENCESi)Buku Jurnal Refleksi Pelajarii) 41, The words you are searching are inside this book. Assigment Chapter 1 - EPO246 LM.UiTM (O). This is fit with the Polytechnicobjective that is to produce a workforce that are high in quality and partially professional inthis country. Experience: Over 30 years of exceptionally diverse . Figure 3.3.1 PPM of humidifier Ventillator Avea using Rigel analyzer 17WEEK 4 (30 MARCH 2021 3 APRIL 2021)I had attend the breakdown of Paramount patients bed at HDU. 8) Use the analog to control the main screen. AKASH VISHWAKARMA It provides students with some exposure to the actual working life while at the same time allowing them to extend their theoretical knowledge into practice thus enhancing their understanding further. In the case of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), the requirement has been made compulsory for all engineering and technology students and the period has been extended to 32 weeks. We've encountered a problem, please try again. SUMMER TRAINING REPORT Figure 3.12.1 Fuse changing of VS4 monitor.I had took swab test on 27hb May 2021 because feeling unwell, so this is one of actionduring pandemic Covid-19 to avoid from spread the virus to others comitee at the KPJJohor Specialist Hospital. h) Uplifting honest, trustworthy, dedicated, and responsible for the tasks assign 21.3 THE IMPORTANCE OF INDUSTRY TRAINING. Through this report, the experience gain can be delivered to their peers. The main objective Industrial Training is to give students vast exposure to a real industrial environment. It helps them to update and master their skills. Remove the well from the monitor. The scheme also gives the students the opportunity of familiarization and exposing them to the needed experience in handling the organization equipment which is not available in their various institutions and how to relate to their various customers since they are the king in any business oriented. Maintain the electronics equipment of the Council such as the telephones, fax 6) All the setting will be save after changing and Exit the menu. Enter the valuein the keypad and touch OK. After that, touch the apply button to save thechanges and the menu.Adjusting the alarm volume.Open the alarm menu and touch the alarm tone volume options. During this training, I was given the opportunity tofollow the learning involved technical assistance related. Now the transmission line first parallel connected with lightning arrester to diverge surge, followed by CVT connected parallel. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the STUDENT ID : 2020995295 Right to choose of care, choice of consultant and right to second opinion3. I received my Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the . Exposing the IT Students to important facilities that can help them in their field of study. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. The students themselves can infuse the spirit of productivity to the challenges and obstacles that lie ahead. I am the sole writer of this report. From the5 Mac 2021 until 20 July 2021, I was placed in thissection under the supervisor, En Mohamad Firzi Mukhri bin Ali as a leader whoteach students of Industrial Training for Biomedical Services.For 5 months here I have learned a lot and have been obtained during the trainingperiod in the corrective maintenance and Planned Preventive Maintenance ofbiomedical equipment. Emergency power supply system (or genset). Aug 2021 - Present1 year 8 months. VISITING LECTURER : EN MOHD ABDUL TALIB fabric of reality to all the consciousness, for I am truly grateful and felt blessed by His By then, the KPJ Group was the largesthealthcare service provider listed on the Bursa Malaysia.Johor Corp is a Malaysian state-owned investment company, is weighing strategicoptions for health-care provider KPJ Healthcare Bhd., according to people withknowledge of the matter.The investment arm of the Johor state government is seeking ideas from potentialadvisers, said the people. They are very important in theses, journal articles, or company reports. Student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) compliment students through exposure to practical aspect of their courses, having physical contact and interaction with staff and members of the general public. Undergraduate students of the following: Agriculture, Engineering, Technology, Environmental, Science, Education, Medical Science and Pure and Applied Sciences. 2.1 Nature of Activities Carried Out During the Training Programme. better known as KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital(KPJ Johor) opened its door to the public in May 1981. Thereare 18 KWAN clinics and 1 Hospital Waqaf An-Nur (HWAN) in Malaysia today, aswell as five mobile clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Selangor, and Kelantan.Our efforts have enabled more than one million patients since the inception of the firstclinic in Johor in 1998.2.1.6 LOCATIONKPJ Johor Specialist Hospital Figure KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital Main EntranceJohor Specialist Hospital opened its doors to the public in May 1981, as the first privatehospital in Johor. In every phase of the project, hissupervision and guidance shaped this report to be completed perfectly.I would like to express my gratitude & respect to my Academic Supervisor Dr.Baharuddin bin Mustapha did not forget the encouragement and guidance given duringthe training period. Figure 26: Single-line diagram for feeder pillar . Error! 200, 300 or 400 level. GUIDELINES. Industrial training for students studying at higher learning institutes has been long recognised as part and parcel of the training required prior to graduation. In this Chapter, Iwill explain more way of working while undergoing Industrial Training at KPJ JohorSpecialist Hospital for 20 weeks. You can read the details below. IDS hadPPM the vital sign at the WBC and PPM ot liht minor at OT room. Do not sell or share my personal information. Thus, there has been this experience, maybe can help students to study in the following semester and a real working environment. (okorie 2002, in Asikadi 2003). examination. by new chairman for every 2 years, Implement small projects of the council through quotation, Resolve public complaints related to roads, drainage and others departmentally, Install tent equipment for governmental official functions, Assist other agencies related to natural disasters, Monitor the tender special projects provided by the ministry of housing and local 20Figure 3.10.1 change the side connecter of warmer unit.WEEK 11 ( 17 MAY 2021 22 MAY 2021)I had do the technical slide of Asset Meeting Ultilization Comitee May 2021. Many interns have been offered continued employment as full-time employees after graduation. Forexample, in this situation I had troubleshoot many types of medical equipment tocorrective maintenance the breakdown such as repair the cot side rail of patients bed,replace the fuse of vital sign, replace the battery of defibrillator and vital sign machine,and troubleshoot the control box of patients bed.4.4 EMERGENCY BREAKDOWNEmergency breakdowns are the situation when the equipment is urgent to be repairedto maintain the quality of patient treatment at the hospital. CENTRAL TRANSPORT SHOP i) Provide an official report on completion of training 3CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND OF INDUSTRY TRAINING PLACE2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.1.1 PROFILE COMPANY Figure 2.1.1 KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital BuildingJohor Specialist Hospital Sdn. I always believe in hard work, determination, and courage through any opportunity that is given in order to earn success. We had change the newpower chord of VS4. When the industrial training students are exposed to a variety of . Exposure that was given to me at this firm can provide the picture on a real-life situation,the task and responsibility that would be carried by some people on the field. DEGEMA LOCAL GOVERNMENT COUNCIL is one of the twenty three {23} local government in rivers state, Nigeria. defined. Featuring specialized stay- connected ECG posts to ensure secure lead connections, ProSim 8 is the preferred tester for patient monitor quality assurance and safety professionals. ProSimSPOTLightSpO2PulseOximeterAnalyzer Figure ProSimSPOTLightSpO2PulseOximeterAnalyzerSPOTLight is lightweight and flexible with three custom pre-sets specially designedto make it the fastest and easiest-to-use pulse oximeter analysis device on the markettoday for SpO2 functional testing. Correctivemaintenance of panel screen display of Camera Atherex System. An interchangeable, long-life battery ensuresuninterrupted all-day operation without need to connect to a power supply. Press the main screen key on the front panel to close the menu.Changing the SpO2 response mode.Open the SpO2 menu and touch the SpO2 response menu item to select one ofthe following options which is slow, normal, or fast. Address. I had settel up the invoice duringthe lockdown during May to June. Figure 35: Sticker application for streetlamp Error! This training is part of the learning process. I carried out my industrial Training at the DEGEMA LOCAL GOVERNMENT COUNCIL during the 6 months (24 weeks) of industrial training; I acquired a skill on how to Practice with the computer in the area of Microsoft office{word}. Bookmark not defined. Figure 37: Distribution box detail for TNB concrete pole . Error! ProSim 4 Vital Sign and ECG Simulator Figure ProSim Vital Sign and ECG Simulator Designed to get you in and out of most locations in 60 seconds, this quick-check device tests 12-lead ECG, respiration, IBP, NIBP with an easy touchscreen menu designed for troubleshooting fast. Vendor had do the EST test for IEC62353, CLASS I for laser machine andCLASS II for shockwave machine. Bookmark not defined. Silence all alarms indefinitely-audio off mode, pressalarm silence key for two second.Enabling print on alarm.Open the alarm menu and touch the print on alarm check box to select thedesired setting. Everything work involving these activities and processes shall doneso that students can know and learn how to handle the work well. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. A helpful LCD display and three simple buttonsmake it effortless to rapidly change parameters and view each signal output sent to thepulse oximeter immediately. 1 MPSPK General Objectives and Functions . Shall so conduct himself/herself so as not to interfere with the wellbeing of otherpatients or providers of healthcare of facilities.6. Bookmark not defined. Figure 3.17.1 EEG machineWEEK 18 ( 5 JULY 2021 10 JULY 2021)KPJ staff have ABMS training for the ISO 37001: 2016 standard requires anorganization to conduct internal audits to determine the effectives of its ABMS.Leaners who take this course will gain the knowledge and skilss to accurately conductinternal audits againts ISO 37001:2016. and friends. Aided, AICTE NBA Accredited. maintenance for electrical system in MPSPK complex. faculty of electrical engineering universiti teknologi mara.
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